Publications of Kerrin Pine

Journal Article (24)

Journal Article
Pham, S. D. T., Chatziantoniou, C., van Vliet, J. T., van Tuijl, R. J., Bulk, M., Costagli, M., … Zwanenburg, J. J. M. (2025). Blood flow velocity analysis in cerebral perforating arteries on 7T 2D phase contrast MRI with an open-source software tool (SELMA). Neuroinformatics, 23. doi:10.1007/s12021-024-09703-4
Journal Article
Veldmann, M., Edwards, L., Pine, K., Ehses, P., Ferreira, M., Weiskopf, N., & Stoecker, T. (2024). Improving MR axon radius estimation in human white matter using spiral acquisition and field monitoring. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 92, 1898–1912.
Journal Article
Attar, F. M., Kirilina, E., Haenelt, D., Trampel, R., Pine, K., Edwards, L., & Weiskopf, N. (2024). Mapping short association fibre connectivity up to V3 in the human brain in vivo. Cerebral Cortex, 34. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhae279
Journal Article
Brammerloh, M., Sibgatulin, R., Herrmann, K.-H., Morawski, M., Reinert, T., Jäger, C., … Kirilina, E. (2024). In situ magnetometry of iron in human dopaminergic neurons using superresolution MRI and ion-beam microscopy. Physical Review X, 14. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.14.021041
Journal Article
Friederici, A. D., Wittig, R. M., Anwander, A., Eichner, C., Gräßle, T., Jäger, C., … EBC Consortium. (2024). Brain structure and function: A multidisciplinary pipeline to study hominoid brain evolution. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 17. doi:10.3389/fnint.2023.1299087
Journal Article
Fritz, F. J., Mordhorst, L., Ashtarayeh, M., Periquito, J., Pohlmann, A., Morawski, M., … Mohammadi, S. (2023). Fiber-orientation independent component of R2* obtained from single-orientation MRI measurements in simulations and a post-mortem human optic chiasm. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17. doi:10.3389/fnins.2023.1133086
Journal Article
Gräßle, T., Crockford, C., Eichner, C., Girard-Buttoz, C., Jäger, C., Kirilina, E., … Wittig, R. M. (2023). Sourcing high tissue quality brains from deceased wild primates with known socio-ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1906–1924.
Journal Article
Edwards, L., McColgan, P., Helbling, S., Zarkali, A., Vaculciakova, L., Pine, K., … Weiskopf, N. (2023). Quantitative MRI maps of human neocortex explored using cell type-specific gene expression analysis. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 5704–5716.
Journal Article
Lipp, I., Kirilina, E., Edwards, L., Pine, K., Jäger, C., Gräßle, T., … Helms, G. (2023). B1+-correction of magnetization transfer saturation maps optimized for 7T postmortem MRI of the brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 89, 1385–1400.
Journal Article
Haenelt, D., Trampel, R., Nasr, S., Polimeni, J. R., Tootell, R. B. H., Sereno, M. I., … Weiskopf, N. (2023). High resolution quantitative and functional MRI indicate lower myelination of thin and thick stripe in human secondary visual cortex. ELife, 12. doi:10.7554/eLife.78756
Journal Article
Brammerloh, M., Kirilina, E., Alkemade, A., Bazin, P.-L., Jantzen, C., Jäger, C., … Weiskopf, N. (2022). Swallow tail sign: Revisited. Radiology, 305, 674–677.
Journal Article
Mohammadi, S., Streubel, T., Klock, L., Edwards, L., Lutti, A., Pine, K., … Tabelow, K. (2022). Error quantification in multi-parameter mapping facilitates robust estimation and enhanced group level sensitivity. NeuroImage, 262. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119529
Journal Article
Vaculciakova, L., Podranski, K., Edwards, L., Ocal, D., Veale, T., Fox, N. C., … Weiskopf, N. (2022). Combining navigator and optical prospective motion correction for high-quality 500 μm resolution quantitative multi-parameter mapping at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 88, 787–801.
Journal Article
Alkemade, A., Bazin, P.-L., Balesar, R., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Möller, H. E., … Forstmann, B. U. (2022). A unified 3D map of microscopic architecture and MRI of the human brain. Science Advances, 8. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abj7892
Journal Article
McColgan, P., Helbling, S., Vaculciakova, L., Pine, K., Wagstyl, K., Attar, F. M., … Weiskopf, N. (2021). Relating quantitative 7T MRI across cortical depths to cytoarchitectonics, gene expression and connectomics. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 4996–5009.
Journal Article
Brammerloh, M., Morawski, M., Friedrich, I., Reinert, T., Lange, C., Pelicon, P., … Kirilina, E. (2021). Measuring the iron content of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra with MRI relaxometry. NeuroImage, 239. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118255
Journal Article
Voelker, M. N., Kraff, O., Goerke, S., Laun, F. B., Hanspach, J., Pine, K., … Quick, H. H. (2021). The traveling heads 2.0: Multicenter reproducibility of quantitative imaging methods at 7 Tesla. NeuroImage, 232. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117910
Journal Article
Kirilina, E., Helbling, S., Morawski, M., Pine, K., Reimann, K., Jankuhn, S., … Weiskopf, N. (2020). Superficial white matter imaging: Contrast mechanisms and whole-brain in vivo mapping. Science Advances, 6. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz9281
Journal Article
Alkemade, A., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Keuken, M. C., Mulder, M. J., Balesar, R., … Forstmann, B. U. (2020). 7 Tesla MRI followed by histological 3D reconstructions in whole-brain specimens. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 14. doi:10.3389/fnana.2020.536838
Journal Article
Attar, F. M., Kirilina, E., Haenelt, D., Pine, K., Trampel, R., Edwards, L., & Weiskopf, N. (2020). Mapping short association fibers in the early cortical visual processing stream using in vivo diffusion tractography. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 4496–4514.
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