
In Germany, only Universities are allowed to award doctoral degrees. The majority of the IMPRS NeuroCom PhD students receive their doctoral degree from the University of Leipzig. Depending on the educational background, the PhD project and the University Faculty, the degree is either Dr. phil., Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. med., or Dr. ing. With the awarded degree, students also obtain a certificate from the IMPRS NeuroCom, stating their successful participation and its programme.

PhD students are required to write a dissertation thesis that is either monographic or cumulative. The exact requirements differ between the faculties. Please contact the IMPRS coordination office to receive more detailed information.

If PhD students intend to submit their PhD thesis to a University other than Leipzig University, they are kindly asked to contact the IMPRS coordination office to receive further information.

The IMPRS NeuroCom applies an own Credit-Point-System. IMPRS NeuroCom PhD students have to obtain 20 ECTS Credit-Points.

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