
The programme combines opportunities for outstanding research with excellent teaching, in order to ensure that students are highly qualified for a successful career in relevant areas of Neuroscience. Students choose a research topic that falls within the scope of one of the following four modules.

Module ILanguage and Communication
This module focuses on the neural basis of language and communication processing in the human brain. Researchers from the field of psychology, linguistics and neurology provide students with a unique opportunity to investigate auditory cognition as well as speech and language processing from both an experimental and a theoretical perspective. We provide strong methodological support, utilising behavioural and electrophysiological methods (M/EEG) as well as functional and structural neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, fNIRS, DTI). These methods are complemented by state-of-the-art non-invasive brain stimulation approaches. Cutting-edge multivariate tools are used to provide insight into neural dynamics, activity and functional as well as structural interactions. Leading researchers of the respective fields are regularly invited to Leipzig to present and discuss their work. The teaching part of this module covers courses on hearing, psycholinguistics, the neural basis of language comprehension and production, emotional speech comprehension, linguistic topology, and understanding typological distribution.
Module II  Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
This module teaches the scientific basis of psychology, social and affective neuroscience. The areas of scientific enquiry covered in this module include psychology, social cognition, empathy, self-other discrimination, plasticity of “Theory of Mind”, and the brain’s default network. Another important aspect of this module is the analysis of the causes underlying psychopathologies of social cognition, early child development and culture, and the investigation of memory processes that allow us to function in the future.
Module IIIBasic and Clinical Neuroscience
In this module, students are taught how innovative questions can be asked and how state-of-the-art techniques can be used in the attempt to understand the brain both in its normal and diseased state. The “classical” anatomical way to study the brain’s microstructure by cutting and staining postmortem brains is becoming increasingly complemented by non-invasive neuroimaging techniques used in vivo. Current research draws on powerful techniques such as functional and structural MRI, EEG, MEG, and NIRS. The teaching part of this module covers the foundations of Neuroscience, sensory and motor systems, brain and behaviour, and psychiatric and neurological disorders of the brain.
Module IVNeuroimaging Physics and Signal Processing
Projects in this module typically focus on the physical principles of modern neuroimaging techniques including RF technology, image processing strategies, and EEG/MEG source analysis, on biophysical tissue properties and their relation to microstructure and function, as well as on computational neuroscience and modelling of cortical networks. Experimentally, these efforts are supported through access to cutting-edge imaging technology, including a state-of-the-art 7T whole-body MRI scanner, a 3T scanner with 300mT/m high-performance gradients or a 306-channel MEG system.

Candidates should have a very good master's degree, preferably in physics or, alternatively, in physical chemistry, computer sciences, biomedical or electrical engineering or a similar degree of equivalent academic level. A genuine interest in developing novel biomedical imaging or neuromodeling should motivate your application.  Good programming skills, preferably with experience in MATLAB, C++ or Python, are essential.
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