Publications of Tilo Reinert

Journal Article (51)

Journal Article
Reinert, T., Fiedler, A., Skopek, J., Tanner, J., Vogt, J., & Butz, T. (2004). Single ion bombardment of living cells at LIPSION. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219-220, 77–81.
Journal Article
Reinert, T., Morawski, M., Arendt, T., & Butz, T. (2003). Quantitative microanalysis of perineuronal nets in brain tissue. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 210, 395–400.
Journal Article
Spemann, D., Reinert, T., Vogt, J., Wassermann, J., & Butz, T. (2003). Active compensation of stray magnetic fields at LIPSION. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 210, 79–84.
Journal Article
Reinert, T., Sakellariou, A., Schwertner, M., Vogt, J., & Butz, T. (2002). Scanning transmission ion microscopy tomography at the Leipzig nanoprobe LIPSION. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190, 266–270.
Journal Article
Spemann, D., Reinert, T., Vogt, J., Dobrev, D., & Butz, T. (2002). Suitable test structures for submicron ion beam analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190, 312–317.
Journal Article
Reinert, T., Reibetanz, U., Sakellariou, A., Schwertner, M., Vogt, J., & Butz, T. (2002). The architecture of cartilage: Elemental maps and scanning transmission ion microscopy/tomography. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 188, 1–8.
Journal Article
Butz, T., Lehmann, D., Reinert, T., Spemann, D., & Vogt, J. (2001). Ion microscopy and tomography. Acta Physica Polonica A, 100, 603–613.
Journal Article
Lebed, S., Butz, T., Vogt, J., Reinert, T., Spemann, D., Heitmann, J., … Sulkio-Cleff, B. (2001). A novel ultra-short scanning nuclear microprobe: Design and preliminary results. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 181, 32–38.
Journal Article
Reinert, T., Reibetanz, U., Vogt, J., Butz, T., Werner, A., & Grunder, W. (2001). Spatially resolved elemental distributions in articular cartilage. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 181, 516–521.
Journal Article
Reinert, T., Reibetanz, U., Vogt, J., Butz, T., Werner, A., & Grunder, W. (2001). Visualisation of collagen fibrils in joint cartilage using STIM. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 181, 511–515.
Journal Article
Spemann, D., Reinert, T., Vogt, J., Butz, T., Otte, K., & Zimmer, K. (2001). Novel test sample for submicron ion-beam analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 181, 186–192.

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Reinert, T. (2003). Microscopy and tomography with ions. In H. Hofsäss, C. Ronning, H. Homeier, W. Möller, B. Stritzker, & J. Lindner (Eds.), Physics with ion beams: Innovative research in Germany (pp. 69–70). Physikalisches Institut, University of Goettingen, Germany.
Book Chapter
Butz, T., Witthuhn, W., & Bolse, W. (Eds.). (2003). Anwendungen von nuklearen Sonden und Ionenstrahlen in Forschung und Technologie Festkörper. In Erforschung kondensierter Materie mit nuklearen Sonden und Ionenstrahlen an Großforschungsanlagen in Deutschland: Status und Perspektiven (pp. 20–62). Physikalisches Institut, Universität Göttingen, Germany.

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Brammerloh, M., Kirilina, E., Sibgatulin, R., Jäger, C., Herrmann, K.-H., Reinert, T., … Weiskopf, N. (2020). Magnetic properties of dopaminergic neurons in human substantia nigra quantified with MR microscopy. In Proceedings of the ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition (Vol. 28). Retrieved from
Conference Paper
Rout, B., Dhoubhadel, M. S., Poudel, P. R., Kummari, V. C., Pandey, B., Deoli, N. T., … McDaniel, F. D. (2013). An overview of the facilities, activities, and developments at the University of North Texas Ion Beam Modification and Analysis Laboratory (IBMAL). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1544, pp. 11–18). Melville, NY: AIP Publishing.
Conference Paper
Deoli, N. T., Kummari, V. C., Pacheco, J. L., Duggan, J. L., Glass, G. A., McDaniel, F. D., … Weathers, D. L. (2013). Investigation of beam transmission in A 9SDH-2 3.0 MV NEC pelletron tandem accelerator. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1525, pp. 214–219). Melville, NY: AIP Publishing.

Meeting Abstract (8)

Meeting Abstract
Brammerloh, M., Lange, C., Reinert, T., Jäger, C., Gavriilidis, F., Pine, K., … Kirilina, E. (2019). A biophysical model of iron-induced relaxation in human substantia nigra for early stage parkinson diagnostic. In Proceedings of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Palais des congrès de Montréal, 1001 Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Montréal, QC, Canada. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Barapatre, N., Morawski, M., & Reinert, T. (2009). Quantification and localisation of trace elements in Parkinsonian brain: A proton beam microscopy study. In Journal of Neurochemistry: official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry (Vol. 110, pp. 71–71). New York: Raven Press [etc.].
Meeting Abstract
Fiedler, A., Morawski, M., Reinert, T., Brückner, G., & Arendt, T. (2009). Iron-induced oxidative stress: Neurons surrounded by an extracellular matrix net seem to be adapted. In Journal of Neurochemistry: official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry (Vol. 110, pp. 70–70). New York: Raven Press [etc.].
Meeting Abstract
Morawski, M., Reinert, T., Meyer-Klaucke, W., Wagner, F. E., Tröger, W., Brückner, G., … Arendt, T. (2009). Aggrecan-based extracellular matrix provides cationic binding. In Journal of Neurochemistry: official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry (Vol. 110, pp. 72–73). New York: Raven Press [etc.].
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