Publications of Arno Villringer

Journal Article (734)

Journal Article
Roether, J., Schellinger, P. D., Gass, A., Siebler, M., Villringer, A., Fiebach, J. B., … Hacke, W. (2002). Effect of Intravenous Thrombolysis on MRI Parameters and Functional Outcome in Acute Stroke < 6 Hours. Stroke, 33, 2438–2445.
Journal Article
Uludag, K., Kohl, M., Steinbrink, J., Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (2002). Cross talk in the Lambert-Beer calculation for near-infrared wavelengths estimated by Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 7, 51–59.
Journal Article
Weih, M., & Villringer, A. (2001). Coagulopathies in ischemic stroke. Stroke, 32, 1234–1237.
Journal Article
Villringer, A. (2001). Study patients recover better from stroke: L-dopa: doping for the apolpexy brain? (interview by Waldtraud Paukstadt). MMW-Fortschritte der Medizin, 143, 14–14.
Journal Article
Brandt, S. A., Brocke, J., Rohricht, S., Ploner, C. J., Villringer, A., & Meyer, B. U. (2001). In vivo assessment of human visual system connectivity with transcranial electrical stimulation during functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 14, 366–375.
Journal Article
Colier, W. N. J. M., Quaresima, V., Wenzel, R., van der Sluijs, M. C., Oeseburg, B., Ferrari, M., & Villringer, A. (2001). Simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring of left and right occipital areas reveals contra-lateral hemodynamic changes upon hemi-field paradigm. Vision Research, 41, 97–102.
Journal Article
Doege, C. A., Tavakolian, R., Kerskens, C. M., Romero, B. I., Lehmann, R., Einhaeupl, K. M., & Villringer, A. (2001). Perfusion and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging in human cerebral venous thrombosis. Journal of Neurology, 248, 564–571.
Journal Article
Krause, T., Kurth, R., Ruben, J., Schwiemann, J., Villringer, A., Deuchert, M., … Villringer, A. (2001). Representational overlap of adjacent fingers in multiple areas of human primary somatosensory cortex depends on electrical stimulus intensity: an fMRI study. Brain Research, 899, 36–46.
Journal Article
Lindauer, U., Kohl, M., Royl, G., Kuehl, M., Leithner, C., Gethmann, J., … Dirnagl, U. (2001). No evidence for early decrease in blood oxygenation in rat whisker cortex in response to functional activation. NeuroImage, 13, 988–1001.
Journal Article
Ploner, C. J., Ostendorf, G., Brandt, S. A., Gaymard, B. M., Rivaud-Pechoux, S., Ploner, M., … Pierrot-Deseillingny, C. (2001). Behavioural relevance modulates access to spatial working memory in humans. European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 357–363.
Journal Article
Ruben, J., Schwiemann, J., Deuchert, M., Meyer, R., Krause, T., Curio, G., … Villringer, A. (2001). Somatotopic organization of human secondary somatosensory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 463–473.
Journal Article
Steinbrink, J., Wabnitz, H., Obrig, H., Villringer, A., & Rinneberg, H. (2001). Determining changes in NIR absorption using a layered model of the human head. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46, 879–896.
Journal Article
Wobst, P., Wenzel, R., Kohl, M., Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (2001). Linear aspects of changes in deoxygenated hemoglobin concentration and cytochrome oxidase oxidation during brain activation. NeuroImage, 13, 520–530.
Journal Article
Wübbeler, G., Leistner, S., Mackert, B.-M., Burghoff, M., Uludag, K., Obrig, H., … Trahms, L. (2001). Simultane Messung von DC-MEG und Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS) bei motorischer Aktivierung. Biomedizinische Technik, 46, 272–273.
Journal Article
Benaron, D. A., Hintz, S. R., Villringer, A., Boas, D., Kleinschmidt, A., Frahm, J., … Stevenson, D. K. (2000). Noninvasive functional imaging of human brain using light. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 20, 469–477.
Journal Article
Doege, C. A., Kerskens, C. M., Romero, B., Brunecker, P., von Pannwitz, W., Junge-Huelsing, G. J., … Villringer, A. (2000). Diffusions– und Perfusions-Bildgebung in der Akutdiagnostik der zerebralen Ischämie. Klinische Neurophysiologie, 31, S23–S28.
Journal Article
Doege, C. A., Kerskens, C. M., Romero, B. I., Brunecker, P., von Pannwitz, W., Jungehulsing, G. J., … Villringer, A. (2000). MRI of small human stroke shows reversible diffusion changes in subcortical gray matter. NeuroReport, 11, 2021–2024.
Journal Article
Donner, T., Kettermann, A., Diesch, E., Ostendorf, F., Villringer, A., & Brandt, S. A. (2000). Involvement of the human frontal eye field and multiple parietal areas in covert visual selection during conjunction search. European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 3407–3414.
Journal Article
Kohl, M., Lindauer, U., Royl, G., Kuehl, M., Gold, L., Villringer, A., & Dirnagl, U. (2000). Physical model for the spectroscopic analysis of cortical intrinsic optical signals. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45, 3749–3764.
Journal Article
Kurth, R., Villringer, K., Curio, G., Wolf, K. J., Krause, T., Repenthin, J., … Villringer, A. (2000). FMRI shows multiple somatotopic digit representations in human primary somatosensory cortex. NeuroReport, 11, 1487–1491.
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