Publications of Arno Villringer
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Conference Paper (17)
Conference Paper
Thieleking, R., Zhang, R., Anwander, A., Villringer, A., & Witte, A. V. (2019). Same brain, different look? A scanner and preprocessing pipeline comparison for diffusion imaging. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) (Vol. 25). Retrieved from
Conference Paper
Belger, J., , , Tromp, J., Klotzsche, F., Villringer, A., … Thöne-Otto, A. I. T. (2019). Immersive virtual reality for the assessment and training of spatial memory: Feasibility in neurological patients. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, Israel. Retrieved from
Conference Paper
Hofmann, S., Klotzsche, F., , Nikulin, V. V., Villringer, A., & Gaebler, M. (2018). Decoding subjective emotional arousal during a naturalistic VR experience from EEG using LSTMs. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR). Taichung, Taiwan. doi:10.1109/AIVR.2018.00026
Conference Paper
Klotzsche, F., , Hofmann, S., Nikulin, V. V., Villringer, A., & Gaebler, M. (2018). Using EEG to decode subjective levels of emotional arousal during an immersive VR roller coaster ride. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). Reutlingen, Germany. doi:10.1109/VR.2018.8446275
Conference Paper
Martins, M., & Villringer, A. (2018). The human arcuate fasciculus provides specific advantages to process complex sequential stimuli, not hierarchies in general. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang12) (pp. 287–289). Torun, Poland.
Conference Paper
Bazin, P.-L., , , Villringer, A., & Gauthier, C. (2016). Vessel segmentation from quantitative susceptibility maps for local oxygenation venography. In Proceedings of the IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) (pp. 1135–1138). Piscataway: IEEE.
Conference Paper
Goltz, D., Gundlach, C., … (2015). Multivariate machine learning methods for fusing multimodal functional neuroimaging data. In Proceedings of the IEEE (Vol. 103, pp. 1507–1530). New York, N.Y.: IEEE.
, , , , 2014
Conference Paper
Villringer, A. (2014). Neurophysiological investigations into the human somatosensory system. In 2014 International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/iww-BCI.2014.6782558
Conference Paper
Macher, K., Boehringer, A., Dukart, J., Villringer, A., & Pleger, B. (2013). Virtual cerebellar lesions influence verbal working memory: A tDCS study. In , , & (Eds.), Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation (pp. 529–532). Heidelberg: Springer.
Conference Paper
Nierhaus, T., , , Ritter, P., & Villringer, A. (2009). Background and evoked activity and their interaction in the human brain. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Vol. 27, pp. 1140–1150). Erice, Italy.
Conference Paper
Obrig, H. (2003). Functional brain imaging by CW-NIRS coregistered by blood flow monitors. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Photon migration and diffuse-light imaging; Functional optical brain imaging (Vol. 5138, pp. 131–138). Munich.
, , , , , , … 2001
Conference Paper
Obrig, H., , , , & Villringer, A. (2001). Noninvasive cerebral blood flow monitoring by a dye bolus method: Separation of extra- and intracerebral absorption changes by frequency-domain spectroscopy. In Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue IV (Vol. 4250, pp. 296–300). San Jose, CA: SPIE Digital Library.
, 2000
Conference Paper
Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (2000). Oxygen saturation in the brain from time-resolved diffuse reflectance measurements. In (Ed.), Conference digest: 2000 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Nice Acropolis, Nice, France, 10 - 15 Septembre 2000 ; Cleo Europe 2000 ; IQEC 2000 (p. 354). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center.
, , , 1998
Conference Paper
Heekeren, H., , , Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (1998). Changes in cytochrome-oxidase oxidation in the occipital cortex during visual stimulation: Improvement in sensitivity by the determination of the wavelength dependence of the differential pathlength. In , , & (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Photon Propagation in Tissues III (Vol. 3194, pp. 18–27). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE.
, , Meeting Abstract (125)
Meeting Abstract
Hoffmann, K. C., Zsido, R., Villringer, A., Engert, V., & Sacher, J. (2024). Stress markers and brain structure in premenstrual dysphoric disorder and health across the menstrual cycle. In Neuropsychopharmacology (Vol. 49, pp. 373–374). New York, NY: Springer Nature.
Meeting Abstract
Villringer, A., Sehm, B., & Steele, C. (2024). Disconnectome-based evaluation of proprioceptive impairments in sensorimotor stroke. In International Journal of Stroke (Vol. 19, pp. 19–20). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
, ,
Meeting Abstract
Studenova, A., Villringer, A., Forster, C., Engemann, D. A., , , … Nikulin, V. V. (2024). Unifying evoked responses and oscillatory neuronal dynamics. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Vol. 52, pp. S166–S166). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meeting Abstract
Hardikar, S., , , … Villringer, A. (2024). Lower grey matter concentration in caudate nuclei is associated with subsequent development of central post stroke pain. In Clinical Neurophysiology (Vol. 159, p. e53). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
, , , 2023
Meeting Abstract
Lammer, L., , , Sacher, J., Villringer, A., & Witte, A. V. (2023). Obesity and depressive symptoms: Investigating the mediating role of fasting ghrelin serum levels. In Neuroscience Applied (Vol. 2). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.nsa.2023.102798
Meeting Abstract
Vartanian, M., , , , Villringer, A., & Witte, A. V. (2023). Neuronal responses to visual food cues according to weight and hunger status: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In Neuroscience Applied (Vol. 2). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.nsa.2023.102753