Publications of Stefan Koelsch

Meeting Abstract (18)

Meeting Abstract
Enk, R., Franzke, P., Offermanns, K., Hohenadel, M., Boehlig, A., Nitsche, I., … Koelsch, S. (2008). Music and the immune system. In International Journal of Psychophysiology (Vol. 69, p. 216).
Meeting Abstract
Fritz, T., Ott, D., Müller, K., & Koelsch, S. (2008). A neural network sensitive to spectral order determines how much musical sound engages the auditory cortex. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Suppl, p. 226).
Meeting Abstract
Grieser Painter, J., Janata, P., & Koelsch, S. (2008). Can musical sounds prime semantic associations? In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 250).
Meeting Abstract
Koelsch, S. (2008). Pleasant and unpleasant music: fMRI and peripheral physiological studies. In International Journal of Psychology (Vol. 43, p. 203).
Meeting Abstract
Del Carmen Herrojo Ruiz, M., Koelsch, S., & Bhattacharya, J. (2007). Different scales of cortical integration during the processing of musical syntax: From early long-range alpha phase synchronization to late local gamma oscillations. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 66).
Meeting Abstract
Fritz, T. H., & Koelsch, S. (2007). The initial brain response to pleasant and unpleasant music. An fMRI study. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 200).
Meeting Abstract
Fritz, T. H., & Koelsch, S. (2007). The initial emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music: An fMRI study. In Neuroforum (Vol. 13, pp. T30–4B).
Meeting Abstract
Maidhof, C., Rieger, M., Prinz, W., & Koelsch, S. (2007). Neurophysiological correlates of error detection in performing musicians. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 261).
Meeting Abstract
Steinbeis, N., & Koelsch, S. (2007). ERP evidence provides a link between harmony and semantics. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 86).
Meeting Abstract
Jentschke, S., & Koelsch, S. (2006). Influences of musical training and development on neurophysiological correlates of music and speech perception in children. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 98–99).
Meeting Abstract
Maidhof, C., Rieger, M., & Koelsch, S. (2006). Die Verarbeitung von eigenen und fremd-induzierten Fehlern bei Musikern. In Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 286). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Meeting Abstract
Maidhof, C., Rieger, M., & Koelsch, S. (2006). Processing of self-made and induced errors in musicians. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (p. 109). Bologna: Bononia University Press.
Meeting Abstract
Sammler, D., Koelsch, S., & Friederici, A. D. (2006). Processing of music syntactic information in brain lesioned patients - An ERP study. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 124–125). Bologna: Bononia University Press.
Meeting Abstract
Steinbeis, N., & Koelsch, S. (2006). Elektrophysiologische Verarbeitung angenehmer und unangenehmer Akkorde in einem affektiven Priming-Paradigma. In Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 307). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
Meeting Abstract
Steinbeis, N., & Koelsch, S. (2006). Online investigation of affective priming of words and chords. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (p. 130). Bologna: Bologna University Press.
Meeting Abstract
Maidhof, C., Koelsch, S., & Seifert, U. (2005). Selective attention and neurophysiological correlates of music and speech processing: An EEG-study as an example of research in neuromusicology. In Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Science of Music (p. 8).

Talk (19)

Cheung, V. K. M., Harrison, P., Meyer, L., Pearce, M. T., Friederici, A. D., & Koelsch, S. Investigating neurocognitive mechanisms of musical pleasure and expectancy with computational modelling. Talk_at_event presented at the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved from
Sammler, D., Novembre, G., Koelsch, S., & Keller, P. E. Syntax in a pianist's hand: ERP signatures of an "embodied" musical syntax. Talk_at_event presented at the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Conference and Annual Meeting 2012, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
Sammler, D., Harding, E., D'Ausilio, A., Fadiga, L., & Koelsch, S. Music and Action: Do they share resources? Talk_at_event presented at the ICMPC XI, Seattle, WA, USA. Retrieved from
Maidhof, C., Rieger, M., Prinz, W., & Koelsch, S. Neural correlates of action monitoring and error processing during music performance and perception. An ERP study. Talk_at_event presented at the 7th triennal Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Science of Music, Finland. Retrieved from
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