Publications of Burkhard Maess
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Journal Article (83)
Journal Article
Maess, B., Friederici, A. D., & (1998). Magnetic field tomography analysis of continuous speech. Brain Topography, 10, 273–281.
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Journal Article
Mecklinger, A., Maess, B., Opitz, B., Pfeifer, E., , & (1998). A MEG analysis of the P300 in visual discrimination tasks. Evoked Potentials-Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 108, 45–56.
Journal Article
Maess, B., , Friederici, A. D., , & (1996). Oscillatory neuromagnetic activity induced by language and non-language stimuli. Cognitive Brain Research, 4, 121–132.
, Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Knösche, T. R., Maess, B., Nakamura, A., & Friederici, A. D. (2005). Human communication investigated with magnetoencephalography: Speech, music, and gestures. In (Ed.), Magnetoencephalography (Vol. International review of neurobiology, pp. 79–120). San Diego: Academic Press.
Conference Paper (6)
Conference Paper
Wang, N.-Y., Maess, B., , & (2007). Executive inhibition in mental arithmetic. In Progress in Natural Science (Vol. 17, pp. 71–76). Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA.
Conference Paper
Wolters, C. H., Anwander, A., Maess, B., , & Friederici, A. D. (2004). The influence of volume conduction effects on the EEG/MEG reconstruction of the sources of the early left anterior negativity. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 3569–3572). San Francisco, CA: IEEE.
Conference Paper
Koelsch, S., Maess, B., Gunter, T. C., & Friederici, A. D. (2001). Neapolitan chords activate the area of broca - A magnetoencephalographic. In Biological Foundations of Music (pp. 420–421). New York, NY.
Conference Paper
Lattner, S., Maess, B., , Friederici, A. D., & Alter, K. (2001). Human auditory processing of pitch-altered speech. In & (Eds.), Nordic Prosody (Vol. 8, pp. 163–171). Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
Conference Paper
Lattner, S., Alter, K., Friederici, A. D., Maess, B., & Wang, Y. H. (2000). Hirnaktivität bei der Wahrnehmung F0-manipulierter Sprache. In (Ed.), Sprachkommunikation (pp. 269–272). Berlin: VDE-Verlag.
Conference Paper
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., Maess, B., & Pfeifer, E. (1997). The P300 evoked by visual object and spatial target stimuli: A whole head MEG analysis. In (Ed.), Quantitative and topological EEG and MEG analysis (pp. 130–132). Jena: Mayer.
Meeting Abstract (27)
Meeting Abstract
Chien, V. S. C., Wang, P., , Maess, B., & Knösche, T. R. (2023). Estimating the neural dynamics from the evoked local field potentials in the primary auditory cortex of awake monkeys. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Vol. 51, pp. S59–S59). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meeting Abstract
Chien, V. S. C., , Maess, B., & Knösche, T. R. (2021). Constructing a cortical column model from the local field potentials in the auditory cortex in awake monkeys. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Vol. 49, pp. 101–101). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meeting Abstract
Chien, V. S. C., Gast, R., Maess, B., & Knösche, T. R. (2020). Representing predictability of sequence patterns in a random network with short-term plasticity. In BMC Neuroscience (Vol. 21). BioMed Central. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Fuchs, M., Maess, B., & Knösche, T. R. (2017). Using functio-anatomical prior knowledge in linear EEG/MEG source reconstruction methods. In Biomedizinische Technik (Vol. 62, pp. S363–S363). Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meeting Abstract
Sonntag, H., Maess, B., & (2014). Influence of volume conductor modeling on source reconstruction in magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography. In 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6930127
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Meeting Abstract
Sonntag, H., , , , , & Maess, B. (2014). Modeling the partial volume effect using FEM in the EEG forward problem. In Proceedings of the Workshop "Innovative Verarbeitung bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Signale". Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Knösche, T. R., Maess, B., & (2013). A system for online neuroelectromagnetic source imaging. In Biomedical Engineering. Berlin: de Gruyter. doi:10.1515/bmt-2013-4177
Meeting Abstract
Wilsch, A., Henry, M., Herrmann, B., Maess, B., & Obleser, J. (2013). Alpha oscillations vary with temporal predictions counteracting working. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (pp. 249–250).
Meeting Abstract
Knoesche, T. R., … (2012). Sensitivity of EEG leads to volume conductor properties. In Biomedical Engineering (pp. 793–793). Berlin: de Gruyter.
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Meeting Abstract
Fuchs, M., Knoesche, T. R., & Maess, B. (2012). A system for the online reconstruction of distributed sources from EEG and MEG data. In Biomedical Engineering - Biomedizinische Technik (Vol. 57, pp. 674–674). Berlin: de Gruyter.