Publications of Dimitra Kiakou

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Filip, P., Lasica, A., Kiakou, D., Mueller, K., Keller, J., Urgošík, D., … Jech, R. (2025). Sweet spot for resting-state functional MRI effect of deep brain stimulation in dystonia lies in the lower pallidal area. NeuroImage: Clinical, 45. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2025.103750
Journal Article
Wu, Q., Kiakou, D., Mueller, K., Köhler, W., & Schroeter, M. L. (2025). Boostering diagnosis of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with AI-driven neuroimaging: A systematic review and meta-analysis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 45. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2025.103757

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Kiakou, D., Adamopoulos, A., & Scherf, N. (2023). Graph-based disease prediction in neuroimaging: Investigating the impact of feature selection. In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (AEMB) (Vol. 1424, pp. 223–230). Springer.

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Kiakou, D., Mueller, K., Ruzicka, F., Lasica, A., Filip, P., Burdová, K., … Jech, R. (2023). Effects of deep brain stimulation on functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease. In European Journal of Neurology (Vol. 30, pp. 703–703). Oxford: Rapid Communications.
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