Publications of Luyao Chen

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Gao, C., Wu, J., Cheng, Y., Ke, Y., Qu, X., Yang, M., … Chen, L. (2025). Continuous theta-burst stimulation demonstrates language-network-specific causal effects on syntactic processing. NeuroImage, 306. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2025.121014
Journal Article
Yang, M., Liu, Y., Yue, Z., Yang, G., Jiang, X., Cai, Y., … Chen, L. (2024). Transcranial photobiomodulation on the left inferior frontal gyrus enhances Mandarin Chinese L1 and L2 complex sentence processing performances. Brain and Language, 256. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2024.105458
Journal Article
Li, Z., Zhou, Z., Wang, X., Wu, J., & Chen, L. (2024). Neural correlates of analogical reasoning on syntactic patterns. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36, 854–871.
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Gao, C., Wang, P., Friederici, A. D., Zaccarella, E., & Chen, L. (2023). Exploring the neurobiology of Merge at a basic level: Insights from a novel artificial grammar paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1151518
Journal Article
Chen, L., Yang, M., Gao, F., Fang, Z., Wang, P., & Feng, L. (2023). Mandarin Chinese L1 and L2 complex sentence reading reveals a consistent electrophysiological pattern of highly interactive syntactic and semantic processing: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1143062
Journal Article
Wang, P., He, Y., Maess, B., Yue, J., Chen, L., Brauer, J., … Knösche, T. R. (2022). Alpha power during task performance predicts individual language comprehension. NeuroImage, 260. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119449
Journal Article
Wang, P., Knösche, T. R., Chen, L., Brauer, J., Friederici, A. D., & Maess, B. (2021). Functional brain plasticity during L1 training on complex sentences: Changes in gamma‐band oscillatory activity. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 3858–3870.
Journal Article
Chen, L., Goucha, T., Männel, C., Friederici, A. D., & Zaccarella, E. (2021). Hierarchical syntactic processing is beyond mere associating: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence from a novel artificial grammar. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 3253–3268.
Journal Article
Chen, L., Wu, J., Hartwigsen, G., Zhongshan, L., Wang, P., & Feng, L. (2021). The role of a critical left fronto-temporal network with its right-hemispheric homologue in syntactic learning based on word category information. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 58. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100977
Journal Article
Chen, L., Wu, J., Fu, Y., Kang, H., & Feng, L. (2019). Neural substrates of word category information as the basis of syntactic processing. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 451–464.

Preprint (2)

Yang, ingchuan, Liu, Y., Yue, Z., Yang, G., Jiang, X., Cai, Y., … Chen, L. (2024, January 23). Transcranial photobiomodulation on the left prefrontal cortex enhances Mandarin Chinese L1 and L2 complex sentence processing performances. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.01.22.576680
Wang, P., He, Y., Maess, B., Yue, J., Chen, L., Brauer, J., … Knösche, T. R. (2021, October 13). Individual alpha power predicts language comprehension. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.10.12.464065
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