Publications of Robert Trampel

Journal Article (76)

Journal Article
Kürzinger, B., Schindler, S., Meffert, M., Rosenhahn, A., Trampel, R., Turner, R., & Schoenknecht, P. (2025). Basolateral amygdala volume in affective disorders using 7T MRI in vivo. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1404594
Journal Article
Buchholz, F., Meffert, M., Bazin, P.-L., Trampel, R., Turner, R., & Schönknecht, P. (2024). Highfield imaging of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in uni- and bipolar depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1462919
Journal Article
Attar, F. M., Kirilina, E., Haenelt, D., Trampel, R., Pine, K., Edwards, L., & Weiskopf, N. (2024). Mapping short association fibre connectivity up to V3 in the human brain in vivo. Cerebral Cortex, 34. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhae279
Journal Article
Carricarte, T., Iamshchinina, P., Trampel, R., Chaimow, D., Weiskopf, N., & Cichy, R. M. (2024). Laminar dissociation of feedforward and feedback in high-level ventral visual cortex during imagery and perception. IScience, 27. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.110229
Journal Article
Zsido, R., Williams, A. N., Barth, C., Serio, B., Kurth, L., Mildner, T., … Sacher, J. (2023). Ultra-high-field 7T MRI reveals changes in human medial temporal lobe volume in female adults during menstrual cycle. Nature Mental Health, 761–771.
Journal Article
Reznik, D., Trampel, R., Weiskopf, N., Witter, M. P., & Doeller, C. F. (2023). Dissociating distinct cortical networks associated with subregions of the human medial temporal lobe using precision neuroimaging. Neuron, 111, 2756–2772.e7.
Journal Article
Haenelt, D., Trampel, R., Nasr, S., Polimeni, J. R., Tootell, R. B. H., Sereno, M. I., … Weiskopf, N. (2023). High resolution quantitative and functional MRI indicate lower myelination of thin and thick stripe in human secondary visual cortex. ELife, 12. doi:10.7554/eLife.78756
Journal Article
Miletić, S., Keuken, M. C., Mulder, M., Trampel, R., de Hollander, G., & Forstmann, B. U. (2022). 7T functional MRI finds no evidence for distinct functional subregions in the subthalamic nucleus during a speeded decision-making task. Cortex, 155, 162–188.
Journal Article
Alkemade, A., Bazin, P.-L., Balesar, R., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Möller, H. E., … Forstmann, B. U. (2022). A unified 3D map of microscopic architecture and MRI of the human brain. Science Advances, 8. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abj7892
Journal Article
Brammerloh, M., Morawski, M., Friedrich, I., Reinert, T., Lange, C., Pelicon, P., … Kirilina, E. (2021). Measuring the iron content of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra with MRI relaxometry. NeuroImage, 239. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118255
Journal Article
Tabas, A., Mihai, P. G., Kiebel, S., Trampel, R., & von Kriegstein, K. (2020). Abstract rules drive adaptation in the subcortical sensory pathway. ELife, 9. doi:10.7554/eLife.64501
Journal Article
Kirilina, E., Helbling, S., Morawski, M., Pine, K., Reimann, K., Jankuhn, S., … Weiskopf, N. (2020). Superficial white matter imaging: Contrast mechanisms and whole-brain in vivo mapping. Science Advances, 6. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz9281
Journal Article
Alkemade, A., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Keuken, M. C., Mulder, M. J., Balesar, R., … Forstmann, B. U. (2020). 7 Tesla MRI followed by histological 3D reconstructions in whole-brain specimens. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 14. doi:10.3389/fnana.2020.536838
Journal Article
Miletic, S., Bazin, P.-L., Weiskopf, N., van der Zwaag, W., Forstmann, B. U., & Trampel, R. (2020). fMRI protocol optimization for simultaneously studying small subcortical and cortical areas at 7 ​T. NeuroImage, 219. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116992
Journal Article
Attar, F. M., Kirilina, E., Haenelt, D., Pine, K., Trampel, R., Edwards, L., & Weiskopf, N. (2020). Mapping short association fibers in the early cortical visual processing stream using in vivo diffusion tractography. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 4496–4514.
Journal Article
Gau, R., Bazin, P.-L., Trampel, R., Turner, R., & Noppeney, U. (2020). Resolving multisensory and attentional influences across cortical depth in sensory cortices. ELife, 9. doi:10.7554/eLife.46856
Journal Article
Mihai, P. G., Moerel, M., de Martino, F., Trampel, R., Kiebel, S., & von Kriegstein, K. (2019). Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition. ELife, 8. doi:10.7554/eLife.44837
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Bazin, P.-L., Pine, K., & Weiskopf, N. (2019). In-vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of laminae in the human cortex. NeuroImage, 197, 707–715.
Journal Article
Schindler, S., Schmidt, L., Stroske, M., Storch, M., Anwander, A., Trampel, R., … Schönknecht, P. (2019). Hypothalamus enlargement in mood disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 139, 56–67.
Journal Article
Morawski, M., Kirilina, E., Scherf, N., Jäger, C., Reimann, K., Trampel, R., … Weiskopf, N. (2018). Developing 3D microscopy with CLARITY on human brain tissue: Towards a tool for informing and validating MRI-based histology. NeuroImage, 182, 417–428.
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