Publications of Robert Trampel

Journal Article (76)

Journal Article
Lohmann, G., Bohn, S., Mueller, K., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2010). Image restoration and spatial resolution in 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64, 15–22.
Journal Article
Prothmann, S., Trampel, R., Fritzsch, D., & Schneider, J.-P. (2010). Intracranial neurenteric cysts—Rare incidental findings with typical MR signal characteristics. European Journal of Radiology Extra, 74, e41–e45.
Journal Article
Ivanov, D., Schäfer, A., Streicher, M., Heidemann, R. M., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2010). A simple low-SAR technique for chemical-shift selection with high-field spin-echo imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64, 319–326.
Journal Article
Moche, M., Trampel, R., Kahn, T., & Busse, H. (2008). Navigation concepts for MR image guided interventions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 27, 276–291.
Journal Article
Busse, H., Trampel, R., Gründer, W., Moche, M., & Kahn, T. (2007). Method for automatic localization of MR-visible markers using morphological image processing and conventional pulse sequences: Feasibility for image-guided procedures. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 26, 1087–1096.
Journal Article
Lee, R. F., Johnson, G., Grossman, R. I., Stöckel, B., Trampel, R., & McGuinness, G. (2006). Advantages of parallel imaging in conjunction with hyperpolarized helium – A new approach to MRI of the lung. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55, 1132–1141.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Jensen, J. H., Lee, R. F., Kamenetskiy, I., McGuinness, G., & Johnson, G. (2006). Diffusional kurtosis imaging in the lung using hyperpolarized 3He. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 56, 733–737.
Journal Article
Lee, R. F., Johnson, G., Stefanescu, C., Trampel, R., McGuinness, G., & Stöckel, B. (2005). A 24-ch phased-array system for hyperpolarized helium gas parallel MRI to evaluate lung functions. Conference Proceedings - IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 4, 4278–4281.
Journal Article
Mildner, T., Möller, H. E., Driesel, W., Norris, D. G., & Trampel, R. (2005). Continuous arterial spin labeling at the human common carotid artery: The influence of transit times. NMR in Biomedicine, 18, 19–23.
Journal Article
Mildner, T., Zysset, S., Trampel, R., Driesel, W., & Möller, H. E. (2005). Towards quantification of blood-flow changes during cognitive task activation using perfusion-based fMRI. NeuroImage, 27, 919–926.
Journal Article
Schiller, J., Naji, L., Trampel, R., Ngwa, W., Knauss, R., & Arnold, K. (2004). Pulsed-field gradient-nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG NMR) to measure the diffusion of ions and polymers in cartilage: Applications in Joint Diseases. Methods in Molecular Medicine, 101, 287–302.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Jochimsen, T. H., Mildner, T., Norris, D. G., & Möller, H. E. (2004). Efficiency of flow-driven adiabatic spin inversion under realistic experimental conditions: A computer simulation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 51, 1187–1193.
Journal Article
Mildner, T., Trampel, R., Möller, H. E., Schäfer, A., Wiggins, C. J., & Norris, D. G. (2003). Functional perfusion imaging using continuous arterial spin labeling with separate labeling and imaging coils at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 49, 791–795.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Mildner, T., Görke, U., Schäfer, A., Driesel, W., & Norris, D. G. (2002). Continuous arterial spin labeling using a local magnetic field gradient coil. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 48, 543–546.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Schiller, J., Naji, L., Stallmach, F., Kärger, J., & Arnold, K. (2002). Self-diffusion of polymers in cartilage as studied by pulsed field gradient NMR. Biophysical Chemistry, 97, 251–260.
Journal Article
Naji, L., Trampel, R., Ngwa, W., Knauss, R., & Arnold, K. (2001). Studium der Diffusion im Knorpel mit der "PFG" (pulsed-field-gradient)-NMR-Technik. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 11, 179–186.

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Mildner, T., Trampel, R., Norris, D. G., Möller, H. E., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2003). Abbildungen der Hirnfunktion mittels magnetischer Markierung des Blutes in der Halsschlagader. In Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: Jahrbuch 2003 (pp. 739–744). Munich: KG Saur.

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Schmidt, J., Radunsky, D., Scheibe, P., Kirilina, E., Stassart, R., Eisenlöffel, C., … Trampel, R. (2021). Quantification of T2 relaxation in vivo and post mortem at 7 Tesla using a dictionary approach. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). online. Retrieved from
Conference Paper
Schmidt, J., Radunsky, D., Scheibe, P., Ben-Eliezer, N., Weiskopf, N., & Trampel, R. (2021). Quantification of transverse relaxation times in vivo at 7T field-strength. In Proceedings of the ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Online. Retrieved from
Conference Paper
Serša, I., Bajd, F., Kranjc, M., Busse, H., Garnov, N., Trampel, R., & Miklavčič, D. (2016). Comparison of single-shot rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement and echo planar current density MRI sequences for monitoring of electric pulse delivery in irreversible electroporation. In T. Jarm & P. Kramar (Eds.), 1st World congress on electroporation and pulsed electric fields in biology, medicine and food & environmental technologies (pp. 83–86). Singapore: Springer.
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