Publications of Robert Trampel
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Journal Article (76)
Journal Article
Huber, L., , , , Krieger, S., Lepsien, J., … Möller, H. E. (2014). Investigation of the neurovascular coupling in positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7 T. NeuroImage, 97, 349–362.
Journal Article
Bazin, P.-L., Weiss, M., Dinse, J., Schäfer, A., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2014). A computational framework for ultra-high resolution cortical segmentation at 7 Tesla. NeuroImage, 93, 201–209.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Turner, R., , & Schäfer, A. (2014). Seven-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging in Wilson disease using quantitative susceptibility mapping for measurement of copper accumulation. Investigative Radiology, 49, 299–306.
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Journal Article
Mildner, T., Mueller, K., Hetzer, S., Trampel, R., Driesel, W., & Möller, H. E. (2014). Mapping of arterial transit time by intravascular signal selection. NMR in Biomedicine, 27, 594–609.
Journal Article
Möller, H. E., … (2014). Multicenter study of subjective acceptance during magnetic resonance imaging at 7 and 9.4 T. Investigative Radiology, 49, 249–259.
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Journal Article
Stelzer, J., Buschmann, T., Lohmann, G., Margulies, D. S., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2014). Prioritizing spatial accuracy in high-resolution fMRI data using multivariate feature weight mapping. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8. doi:10.3389/fnins.2014.00066
Journal Article
Strotmann, B., Heidemann, R. M., Anwander, A., Weiss, M., Trampel, R., Villringer, A., & Turner, R. (2014). High-resolution MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging of the human habenula at 7 tesla. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 39, 1018–1026.
Journal Article
Streicher, M., Schäfer, A., Ivanov, D., Müller, D. K., , Reimer, E., … Turner, R. (2014). Fast accurate MR thermometry using phase referenced asymmetric spin-echo EPI at high field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71, 524–533.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Turner, R., , & (2013). In vivo MRI analysis of depth-dependent ultrastructure in human knee cartilage at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine, 26, 1412–1419.
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Journal Article
Schäfer, A., , , , Trampel, R., … (2013). High-resolution MR imaging of the human brainstem in vivo at 7 Tesla. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00710
Journal Article
Kuehn, E., Trampel, R., Mueller, K., Turner, R., & Schütz-Bosbach, S. (2013). Judging roughness by sight: A 7-Tesla fMRI study on responsivity of the primary somatosensory cortex during observed touch of self and others. Human Brain Mapping, 34, 1882–1895.
Journal Article
Schindler, S., , , Anwander, A., , Trampel, R., … Geyer, S. (2013). Development and evaluation of an algorithm for the computer-assisted segmentation of the human hypothalamus on 7-Tesla magnetic resonance images. PLoS One, 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066394
Journal Article
Trampel, R., & (2013). Analytical derivation of the b matrix of a time-efficient isotropic diffusion weighting gradient waveform. Medical Physics, 40, 032301–1-032301–8.
Journal Article
Heidemann, R. M., Ivanov, D., Trampel, R., , , , & Turner, R. (2012). Isotropic submillimeter fMRI in the human brain at 7 T: Combining reduced field-of-view imaging and partially parallel acquisitions. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68, 1506–1516.
Journal Article
Krieger, S., Streicher, M., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2012). Cerebral blood volume changes during brain activation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 32, 1618–1631.
Journal Article
Streicher, M., Schäfer, A., Reimer, E., Dhital, B., Trampel, R., Ivanov, D., & Turner, R. (2012). Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency MR thermometry. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 25, 41–47.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., , , & (2011). Suitability of miniature inductively coupled RF coils as MR-visible markers for clinical purposes. Medical Physics, 38, 6327–6335.
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Journal Article
Solano-Castiella, E., Schäfer, A., Reimer, E., Türke, E., , Lohmann, G., … Turner, R. (2011). Parcellation of human amygdala in vivo using ultra high field structural MRI. NeuroImage, 58, 741–748.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Ott, D. V. M., & Turner, R. (2011). Do the congenitally blind have a stria of gennari? First intracortical insights in vivo. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 2075–2081.
Journal Article
Bode, S., , Soon, C. S., Trampel, R., Turner, R., & Haynes, J.-D. (2011). Tracking the unconscious generation of free decisions using uItra-high field fMRI. PLoS One, 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021612