Publications of Hellmuth Obrig

Meeting Abstract (22)

Meeting Abstract
Wartenburger, I., Telkemeyer, S., Friedrich, M., Steinbrink, J., Obrig, H., & Friederici, A. D. (2006). The melody and meaning of sentences: Interhemispheric specialization at the age of four. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 175).
Meeting Abstract
Kohl, M., Obrig, H., Steinbrink, J., Malak, J., Wabnitz, H., Rinneberg, H., & Villringer, A. (2000). Optical bed-side assessment of cerebral perfusion a near-infrared-spectroscopy study. In NeuroImage (Vol. 11, pp. S784–S784). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Neufang, M., Obrig, H., Wenzel, R., Kohl, M., Scholz, U., Malak, J., & Villringer, A. (1999). Spontaneous low frequency oscillations are attenuated by visual stimulation: A NIRS study. In NeuroImage (Vol. 9, pp. S311–S311). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Steinbrink, J., Syre, F., Kohl, M., Obrig, H., Wenzel, R., & Villringer, A. (1999). Fast optical signals: Are they detectable through the intact adult skull? In NeuroImage (Vol. 9, pp. S312–S312). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Thomas, F., Wenzel, R., Steinbrink, J., Obrig, H., Kohl, M., Scholz, U., & Villringer, A. (1999). Nonlinear traits in the response of deoxyhemoglobin to short visual stimuli. In NeuroImage (Vol. 9, pp. S313–S313). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Wenzel, R., Horst, S., Obrig, H., Henning, C., Kohl, M., & Villringer, A. (1998). Localised cytochrome-oxidase redox state and haemoglobin oxygenation response over visual area MT shown with a multilocular full-spectrum NIRS. In NeuroImage (Vol. 7, pp. S258–S258). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Heekeren, H., Wenzel, R., Brandt, S. A., Ramshorn, A., Obrig, H., Pannwitz, W. V., … Villringer, A. (1997). Hemoglobin oxygenation during cerebral activation and deactivation. In NeuroImage (Vol. 5, pp. S34–S34). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Obrig, H., Heekeren, H., Eberle, K., Ramshorn, A., Wenzel, R., Pannwitz, W. V., … Villringer, A. (1997). Hemoglobin oxygenation changes during prolonged visual stimulation. In NeuroImage (Vol. 5, pp. S39–S40). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Villringer, A., Heekeren, H., Obrig, H., Pannwitz, W. V., Ramshorn, A., Kohl, M., … Cooper, C. (1997). Cytochrome-oxidase oxidation in the occipital cortex during visual stimulation: A whole-spectrum near-infrared spectroscopy study. In NeuroImage (Vol. 5, pp. S361–S361). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Wenzel, R., Heekeren, H., Luo, Q., Dale, A. M., Obrig, H., Ruben, J., … Chance, B. (1997). Identification of visual area V5/MT with near-infrared-spectroscopy and imaging - A feasibility study. In NeuroImage (Vol. 5, pp. S506–S506). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

Talk (15)

Obrig, H. What can we learn about language from people with Aphasia? Talk_at_event presented at the Cognition Academy, Max Planck School of Cognition, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Männel, C., Obrig, H., Villringer, A., Ahissar, M., & Schaadt, G. Basic acoustic features of the learning context shape infants’ lexical acquisition. Talk_at_event presented at the PaEpsy 2019 (Tagung der Fachgruppen für Entwicklungspsychologie und für Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
Männel, C., Obrig, H., Villringer, A., Ahissar, M., & Schaadt, G. Basic acoustic features of the learning context shape infants’ lexical acquisition. Talk_at_event presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Helsinki, Finland. Retrieved from
Schaadt, G., Friederici, A. D., Obrig, H., & Männel, C. Association of speech perception and production in 2-month-olds: Relating event-related-potential and vocal reactivity measures. Talk_at_event presented at the 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019), University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. Retrieved from
van Scherpenberg, C., Abdel Rahman, R., & Obrig, H. Picture-word interference – can the effect be modulated? An eye tracking study. Talk_at_event presented at the 61. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
Roswandowitz, C., Kappes, C., Obrig, H., & von Kriegstein, K. Obligatorische und fakultative Hirnregionen für die Sprechererkennung. Talk_at_event presented at the 17. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB) , Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Roswandowitz, C., Kappes, C., Obrig, H., & von Kriegstein, K. Voice-identity processing deficits are induced by lesions in the temporal and inferior parietal lobev. Talk_at_event presented at the 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Dresden, Germany. Retrieved from
Sehm, B., Schnitzler, T., Rossi, S., Obleser, J., Obleser, J., Villringer, A., & Obrig, H. Anodale tDCS des linken Gyrus frontalis inferior (IFG) unterstützt perzeptuelles Lernen des auditorischen Verstehens degradierter Sprache [Facilitatory tDCS of left inferior frontal gyrus improves perceptual learning of degraded speech]. Talk_at_event presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of Society for Aphasia Research and Treatment, Konstanz, Germany. Retrieved from
Obrig, H. (2011). Optical imaging of language development. Talk_at_event presented at the Symposium: Neural and linguistic bases of language development, University of Tübingen, Germany. Retrieved from
Obrig, H. (2011). Optische Bildgebung in der Sprachforschung [Optical imaging in language research]. Talk_at_event presented at the Neuropsychological Colloquium Klinikum Bogenhausen , Munich, Germany. Retrieved from
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