Publications of Gesa Schaadt

Journal Article (34)

Journal Article
Skeide, M. A., Kraft, I., Müller, B., Schaadt, G., Neef, N., Brauer, J., … Friederici, A. D. (2016). NRSN1 associated grey matter volume of the visual word form area reveals dyslexia before school. Brain, 139, 2792–2803.
Journal Article
Müller, B., Wilcke, A., Czepezauer, I., Ahnert, P., Boltze, J., Kirsten, H., & the LEGASCREEN Consortium. (2016). Association, characterisation and meta-analysis of SNPs linked to general reading ability in a German dyslexia case-control cohort. Scientific Reports, 6. doi:10.1038/srep27901
Journal Article
Drummer, J., van der Meer, E., & Schaadt, G. (2016). Event-related potentials in response to violations of content and temporal event knowledge. Neuropsychologia, 80, 47–55.
Journal Article
Schaadt, G., Männel, C., van der Meer, E., Pannekamp, A., Oberecker, R., & Friederici, A. D. (2015). Present and past: Can writing abilities in school children be associated with their auditory discrimination capacities in infancy? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 318–333.
Journal Article
Kraft, I., Cafiero, R., Schaadt, G., Brauer, J., Neef, N., Müller, B., … Skeide, M. A. (2015). Cortical differences in preliterate children at familiar risk of dyslexia are similar to those observed in dyslexic readers. Brain, 138. doi:10.1093/brain/awv036
Journal Article
Skeide, M. A., Kirsten, H., Kraft, I., Schaadt, G., Müller, B., Neef, N., … Friederici, A. D. (2015). Genetic dyslexia risk variant is related to neural connectivity patterns underlying phonological awareness in children. NeuroImage, 118, 414–421.
Journal Article
Wilcke, A., Müller, B., Schaadt, G., the LEGASCREEN Consortium, Kirsten, H., & Boltze, J. (2015). High acceptance of an early dyslexia screening test involving genetic analyses in Germany. European Journal of Human Genetics, 24, 178–182.
Journal Article
Welke, T., Raisig, S., Nowack, K., Schaadt, G., Hagendorf, H., & van der Meer, E. (2015). Semantic priming of progression features in events. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 44, 201–214.
Journal Article
Schaadt, G., Hesse, V., & Friederici, A. D. (2015). Sex hormones in early infancy seem to predict aspects of later language development. Brain and Language, 141, 70–76.
Journal Article
Welke, T., Raisig, S., Nowack, K., Schaadt, G., Hagendorf, H., & van der Meer, E. (2014). Cooking from cold to hot: Goal-directedness in simulation and language. Cognitive Linguistics. doi:10.1515/cog-2014-0058
Journal Article
Schaadt, G., Pannekamp, A., & van der Meer, E. (2014). Gaining mismatch negativity! Improving auditory phoneme discrimination by literacy training – A pre-post event-related potential study. International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, 1. doi:10.4172/1234-3425.1000101
Journal Article
Schaadt, G., Pannekamp, A., & van der Meer, E. (2013). Auditory phoneme discrimination in illiterates: Mismatch negativity – a question of literacy? Developmental Psychology, 49, 2197–2190.
Journal Article
Landgraf, S., Beyer, R., Hild, I., Schneider, N., Horn, E., Schaadt, G., … van der Meer, E. (2012). Impact of phonological processing skills on written language acquisition in illiterate adults. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, S129–S138.
Journal Article
Landgraf, S., Beyer, R., Schaadt, G., Koch, D., Foth, M., & van der Meer, E. (2011). Dissociating improvement of attention and intelligence during written language acquisition in adults. International Journal of Intelligence Science, 1, 17–24.

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
van der Meer, E., Foth, M., Pannekamp, A., Schaadt, G., Horn, E., Hild, I., … Beyer, R. (2011). Diagnostik basaler kognitiver, sprachlicher und mathematischer Kompetenzen von Analphabeten und Analphabetinnen. In Projektträger DLR e.V. (Ed.), Lernprozesse in Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung Erwachsener (pp. 87–108). Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Schaadt, G., Zsido, R., Friederici, A. D., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., Männel, C., & Sacher, J. (2021). Association of maternal mood postpartum with electroencephalography patterns of infant speech development at 2 and 6 months. In Neuropsychopharmacology (Vol. 46, pp. 144–145). New York, NY: Springer Nature.
Meeting Abstract
Skeide, M. A., Kirsten, H., Kraft, I., Schaadt, G., Müller, B., Wilcke, A., … Friederici, A. D. (2015). Genome-wide supported dyslexia risk variant rs11100040 alters neural connectivity profiles affecting phonological awareness in children. In Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Research Foundation. doi:10.3389/conf.fnhum.2015.217.00310

Talk (9)

Männel, C., Obrig, H., Villringer, A., Ahissar, M., & Schaadt, G. Basic acoustic features of the learning context shape infants’ lexical acquisition. Talk_at_event presented at the PaEpsy 2019 (Tagung der Fachgruppen für Entwicklungspsychologie und für Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
Männel, C., Obrig, H., Villringer, A., Ahissar, M., & Schaadt, G. Basic acoustic features of the learning context shape infants’ lexical acquisition. Talk_at_event presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Helsinki, Finland. Retrieved from
Schaadt, G., Friederici, A. D., Obrig, H., & Männel, C. Association of speech perception and production in 2-month-olds: Relating event-related-potential and vocal reactivity measures. Talk_at_event presented at the 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019), University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. Retrieved from
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