Poster Guidelines
Poster Size & Format:
Portrait format, max. 140 cm height (55 inch) x max. 90 cm width (35.43 inch).
General Information:
We ask presenters to “stand” by their posters to answer questions and provide further details to their work. Posters should consist of the following parts:
Title: List the title of the project as well as all people involved in the work and their affiliation(s).
Introduction: Describe clear statements about the theoretical background and current status of research with respect to your work. Please do not forget to mention your hypothesis and aim(s) of your project.
Methods: Explain your experimental design and briefly mention the technique and statistical methods used. Describe characteristics and size of your sample.
Results: Describe your results as precise and brief as possible. Preferably you use graphic images.
Discussion: Interprete your results with respect to the literature and include your main conlusions as well as suggestions about how you might continue with your work (i.e. use of other methods, test with another sample etc...)
Literature: Cite all the work you refer to on your poster.