Publications of Johannes Singer

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Singer, J., Karapetian, A., Hebart, M. N., & Cichy, R. (2023). Revealing the locus and content of behaviorally relevant information about real-world scenes in human visual cortex. In Journal of Vision (9th ed., Vol. 23). Charlottesville, VA: Scholar One, Inc. doi:10.1167/jov.23.9.4712
Meeting Abstract
Xie, S., Kaiser, D., Singer, J., & Cichy, R. (2023). The effects of visual backward masking on visual spatiotemporal dynamics. In Journal of Vision (9th ed., Vol. 23). Charlottesville, VA: Scholar One, Inc. doi:10.1167/jov.23.9.4711

Poster (2)

Siying, X., Kaiser, D., Singer, J., & Cichy, R. The effects of visual backward masking on visual spatiotemporal dynamics. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. Retrieved from
Singer, J., Karapetian, A., & Cichy, R. Revealing the locus and content of behaviorally relevant information about real-world scenes in human visual. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. Retrieved from
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