Publications of Tania Singer
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Journal Article (143)
Journal Article
Valk, S. L., Bernhardt, B. C., Trautwein, F.-M., Böckler, A., Kanske, P., , … Singer, T. (2017). Structural plasticity of the social brain: Differential change after socio-affective and cognitive mental training. Science Advances, 3. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1700489
Journal Article
Lumma, A.-L., Böckler, A., Vrticka, P., & Singer, T. (2017). Who am I? Differential effects of three contemplative mental trainings on emotional word use in self-descriptions. Self and Identity, 16, 607–628.
Journal Article
Chierchia, G., Parianen Lesemann, F. H., , , & Singer, T. (2017). Caring cooperators and powerful punishers: Differential effects of induced care and power motivation on different types of economic decision making. Scientific Reports, 7. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11580-8
Journal Article
Grosse Wiesmann, C., Friederici, A. D., Singer, T., & Steinbeis, N. (2017). Implicit and explicit false belief development in preschool children. Developmental Science, 20. doi:10.1111/desc.12445
Journal Article
Kanske, P., Sharifi, M., Smallwood, J., Dziobek, I., & Singer, T. (2017). Where the narcissistic mind wanders: Increased self-related thoughts are more positive and future-oriented. Journal of Personality Disorders, 31, 553–566.
Journal Article
Lumma, A.-L., Kok, B. E., & Singer, T. (2017). Corrigendum to “Is meditation always relaxing? Investigating heart rate, heart rate variability, experienced effort and likeability during training of three types of meditation.” International Journal of Psychophysiology, 117, 126–130.
Journal Article
Kanske, P., … (2017). Study protocol of the ASD-Net, the German research consortium for the study of Autism Spectrum Disorder across the lifespan: From a better etiological understanding, through valid diagnosis, to more effective health care. BMC Psychiatry, 17. doi:10.1186/s12888-017-1362-7
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Journal Article
Böckler, A., , Trautwein, F.-M., , & Singer, T. (2017). Know thy selves: Learning to understand oneself increases the ability to understand others. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1, 197–209.
Journal Article
Singer, T., & Kanske, P. (2017). Social cognition in aggressive offenders: Impaired empathy, but intact theory of mind. Scientific Reports, 7. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00745-0
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Journal Article
Grosse Wiesmann, C., Schreiber, J., Singer, T., Steinbeis, N., & Friederici, A. D. (2017). White matter maturation is associated with the emergence of Theory of Mind in early childhood. Nature Communications, 8. doi:10.1038/ncomms14692
Journal Article
Bornemann, B., & Singer, T. (2017). Taking time to feel our body: Steady increases in heartbeat perception accuracy and decreases in alexithymia over 9 months of contemplative mental training. Psychophysiology, 54, 469–482.
Journal Article
Engen, H., Kanske, P., & Singer, T. (2017). The neural component-process architecture of endogenously generated emotion. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 197–211.
Journal Article
Kok, B. E., & Singer, T. (2017). Phenomenological fingerprints of four meditations: Differential state changes in affect, mind-wandering, meta-cognition and interoception before and after daily practice across nine months of training. Mindfulness, 8, 218–231.
Journal Article
Kok, B. E., & Singer, T. (2017). Effects of contemplative dyads on engagement and perceived social connectedness over 9 months of mental training: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 74, 126–134.
Journal Article
Kok, B. E., & Singer, T. (2017). Erratum to: Phenomenological fingerprints of four meditations: Differential state changes in affect, mind-wandering, meta-cognition, and interoception before and after daily practice across 9 months of training. Mindfulness, 8, 257–258.
Journal Article
Valk, S. L., Bernhardt, B. C., Böckler, A., Trautwein, F.-M., Kanske, P., & Singer, T. (2017). Socio-cognitive phenotypes differentially modulate large-scale structural covariance networks. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 1358–1368.
Journal Article
Böckler, A., Sharifi, M., Kanske, P., Dziobek, I., & Singer, T. (2017). Social decision making in narcissism: Reduced generosity and increased retaliation are driven by alterations in perspective-taking and anger. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 1–7.
Journal Article
Engen, H. G., Smallwood, J., & Singer, T. (2017). Differential impact of emotional task relevance on three indices of prioritised processing for fearful and angry facial expressions. Cognition & Emotion, 31, 175–184.
Journal Article
Trautwein, F.-M., Böckler, A., Singer, T., & Kanske, P. (2016). Neural correlates of metacognitive ability and of feeling confident: A large scale fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 1942–1951.
Journal Article
Engert, V., , , & Singer, T. (2016). Boosting recovery rather than buffering reactivity: Higher stress-induced oxytocin secretion is associated with increased cortisol reactivity and faster vagal recovery after acute psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 74, 111–120.