Publications of Harald E. Möller

Poster (230)

Hetzer, S., Mildner, T., Jochimsen, T. H., Müller, K., Schlumm, T., & Möller, H. E. Latency and Echo-Time Dependence of the GRE-BOLD Signal in High-Resolution fMRI. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Jochimsen, T. H., & Möller, H. E. Multi-parameteric classification of fMRI-activated voxels using venous vessel-size, BOLD latency and susceptibility-weighted imaging. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Cleveland, Z. I., Möller, H. E., Hedlund, L. W., Cofer, G. P., Fubara, B., & Driehuys, B. Dissolved phase MR imaging of continuously infused hyperpolarized 129Xe using hydrophobic gas exchange membranes. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Möller, H. E., Cleveland, Z. I., Hedlund, L. W., Fubara, B., Cofer, G. P., & Driehuys, B. Direct gas infusion of hyperpolarized 129Xe into blood - a new approach to imaging pulmonary perfusion and gas exchange. Poster presented at the ISMR; 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Hetzer, S., Mildner, T., & Möller, H. E. A Modified EPI Sequence for High-Resolution Imaging at Ultra-Short Echo Times. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Mohammadi, S., Möller, H. E., Kugel, H., Müller, D. K., & Deppe, M. Estimation of the eddy-current induced magnetic field from affine transformation parameters and its relevance for the comparability of DTI data. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii. Retrieved from
Pampel, A., Jochimsen, T. H., & Möller, H. E. Monte-Carlo Simulations of BOLD Background Gradient Contributions in Diffusion-Weighted fMRI"” Comparison of Spin Echo and Twice-Refocused Echo Sequences. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu. Retrieved from
Driesel, W., Pampel, A., Mildner, T., Hetzer, S., & Möller, H. E. Comparison of Large Phased Arrays Using Stacked Segments. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Imperati, D. L. U., Kruttwig, K., Ulrich, K., Pampel, A., Hoehn, M., Möller, H. E., & Tittgemeyer, M. Diffusion diffraction patterns in different cells. Poster presented at the 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Labadie, C., Ott, D. V. M., Jochimsen, T. H., Lee, J.-H., & Möller, H. E. Comparison of Myelin Water Fraction in Cross-Regularized T1-Relaxograms of Normal White Matter at 3T and 7T and of Normal-Appearing White Matter at 3T. Poster presented at the 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Müller, D. K., Pampel, A., Mildner, T., Schlumm, T., Jochimsen, T. H., & Möller, H. E. Efficient and Accurate Modeling of Pulsed Magnetization Transfer. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Pampel, A., Driesel, W., & Möller, H. E. Simplified RF Modeling of Coil Arrays Composed of Cylindrically Arranged Modules. Poster presented at the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA. Retrieved from
Trampel, R., Jochimsen, T. H., Mildner, T., Docherty, C., Möller, H. E., & Turner, R. Is it possible to achieve sufficient inversion efficiencies in CASL experiments at high B0 and low B1 field strengths? Poster presented at the ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
Driesel, W., & Möller, H. E. A modular approach to large arrays using stacked segments. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Jochimsen, T. H., & Möller, H. E. Increasing specificity in functional magnetic resonance imaging by estimation of vessel size based on changes in blood oxygenation. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Labadie, C., Lee, J.-H., Jarchow, S., Rooney, W. D., Springer, C. S., & Möller, H. E. Detection of the myelin water fraction in 4 tesla longitudinal relaxation data by cross-regularized inverse Laplace transform. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Labadie, C., Lee, J.-H., & Möller, H. E. Estimation of the inversion-pulse efficiency in the context of multi-exponential analysis of spin-lattice relaxation. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Möller, H. E., Driehuys, B., Pollaro, J. R., & Hedlund, L. W. Absolute quantification of pulmonary perfusion using intravenous injection of hyperpolarized 129Xe. Poster presented at the ISMRM16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Müller, D., Jochimsen, T. H., Schlumm, T., & Möller, H. E. Towards online reconstruction of quantitative magnetization-transfer imaging. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
Mildner, T., Müller, K., Hetzer, S., Trampel, R., Driesel, W., Ott, D. V. M., … Möller, H. E. Distribution of arterial transit times investigated by MATISSE. Poster presented at the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. Retrieved from
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