Publications of Harald E. Möller
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Meeting Abstract (36)
Meeting Abstract
Kanaan, A. S., , García-García, I., Lampe, L., Pampel, A., Anwander, A., … Möller, H. E. (2016). Pathological glutamatergic neurotransmission in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Marschner, H., Eichner, C., Anwander, A., Pampel, A., & Möller, H. E. (2016). De-noising of diffusion-weighted MRI data by averaging of inconsistent input data in wavelet space. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Pampel, A., Müller, D., Marschner, H., Anwander, A., & Möller, H. E. (2014). Towards understanding the anisotropy of magnetization transfer parameters in human white matter. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Labadie, C., Siegert, T., Reimer, E., Guidi, M., Martínez-Maestro, M., Möller, H. E., … Schulz, J. (2014). Adaptive motion correction of single-voxel spectroscopy with real-time frequency correction at 3T and 7T. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Mueller, K., Horstmann, A., Pleger, B., , Möller, H. E., … (2014). Leptin-substitution in patients with congenital lipodystrophy increases connectivity in reward-related brain structures: An fMRI study. In Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes (Vol. 122). Leipzig: J.A. Barth. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1371982
, 2013
Meeting Abstract
Anwander, A., Bazin, P.-L., Trampel, R., … (2013). Defining the human hypothalamus in vivo by ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI. In Klinische Neurophysiologie (Vol. 44, pp. P65–P65). Stuttgart: Thieme.
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Meeting Abstract
Anwander, A., , , Knösche, T. R., Möller, H. E., … Geyer, S. (2013). Diffusion imaging-based subdivision of the human hypothalamus: A magnetic resonance study with clinical implications. In Klinische Neurophysiologie (Vol. 44, pp. P159–P159). Stuttgart: Thieme.
Meeting Abstract
Marschner, H., , Pampel, A., & Moeller, H. E. (2013). Estimation of parameters from sparsely sampled in-vivo magnetization transfer data using artificial neural networks. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Müller, R., Pampel, A., Mildner, T., Marschner, H., & Möller, H. E. (2013). A transceive RF coil for imaging tissue specimen at 3T based on PCB design. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Streitbürger, D. P., Müller, K., Pampel, A., Lepsien, J., Schroeter, M. L., & Möller, H. E. (2013). Impact of image acquisition on voxel-based morphometry for investigating age-related structural brain changes. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Möller, H. E., , & (2011). Neurological and neurocognitive deficits in adults with early treated phenylketonuria. In Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (Vol. 34, pp. S95–S95). Lancaster, Eng.: MTP Press.
, 2010
Meeting Abstract
Mueller, K., Anwander, A., Horstmann, A., , Lepsien, J., Schroeter, M. L., … Pleger, B. (2010). Sex-dependent influences of obesity on cerebral white matter. Meeting_abstract presented at the 57th Joint Congress of the Czech and Slovak Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, Prague, Czech Republic. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Labadie, C., & Möller, H. E. (2010). Mikrostrukturen im lebenden Gehirn erkennen: Magnetresonanztomografie der Myelinscheide. In Jahrbuch 2009/10. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Müller, K., Anwander, A., Horstmann, A., Busse, F. P., , Lepsien, J., … Möller, H. E. (2010). Gender differences in the dependence of body weight and brain connectivity revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. In ISMRM Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Mildner, T., Müller, K., Hetzer, S., Trampel, R., Driesel, W., Ott, D. V., … Möller, H. E. (2008). Distribution of arterial transit times investigated by MATISSE. In Proceedings of the 16th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 1924). Toronto, ON, Canada: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Jochimsen, T. H., Mildner, T., Docherty, C., Möller, H. E., & Turner, R. (2008). Is it possible to achieve sufficient inversion efficiencies in CASL experiments at high B0 and low B1 field strengths? In Proceedings of the 16th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 1917).
Meeting Abstract
Schäfer, A., & Möller, H. E. (2007). Functional contrast based on iDQC - Influence of the correlation distance. In Proceedings of the 15th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 1968).
Meeting Abstract
Imperati, D. L. U., Tittgemeyer, M., Schäfer, A., & Möller, H. E. (2006). Restoration of EPI susceptibility distortion at 3 Tesla: comparison of fluid registration with phase-encoding gradient reversion. In Proceedings of the 14th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 2339).
Meeting Abstract
Schäfer, A., Zysset, S., , & Möller, H. E. (2005). Effect of hypercapnia on the iDQC response. In Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 117).
Meeting Abstract
Möller, H. E., , , , & (2000). Mixing oxygen with hyperpolarized 3He for small-animal lung studies. In NMR in Biomedicine (Vol. 13, pp. 202–206).