Publications of Alina Löser

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Löser, A., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P. E., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., & Engel, A. (2024). Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits. Neuropsychologia, 204. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2024.109009

Poster (3)

Löser, A., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P. E., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., & Engel, A. Out of sync? Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits. Poster presented at the 1st IMPRS CoNI Summer School 2024, London, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
Löser, A., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P. E., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., & Engel, A. Out of sync? Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits. Poster presented at the Neurosciences and Music – VIII – Wiring, re-wiring, and well-being, Helsinki, Finland. Retrieved from
Löser, A., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P. E., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., & Engel, A. Inhibition and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits. Poster presented at the 17th Research Festival for Life Sciences 2024, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
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