Publications of Eva Maria Quinque
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
Belger, J., , Akbal, M., , , Gaebler, M., … Thöne-Otto, A. I. T. (2024). The immersive virtual memory task: Assessing object-location memory in neurological patients using immersive virtual reality. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 34, 870–898.
Journal Article
Kynast, J., Polyakova, M., Quinque, E. M., , Villringer, A., & Schroeter, M. L. (2021). Age- and sex-specific standard scores for the reading the mind in the eyes test. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 12. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2020.607107
Journal Article
Tromp, J., Klotzsche, F., , Akbal, M., , Quinque, E. M., … Gaebler, M. (2020). OpenVirtualObjects: An open set of standardized and validated 3D household objects for virtual reality-based research, assessment, and therapy. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1. doi:10.3389/frvir.2020.611091
Journal Article
Kynast, J., Quinque, E. M., Polyakova, M., , , , … Schroeter, M. L. (2020). Mindreading from the eyes declines with aging: Evidence from 1,603 subjects. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 12. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2020.550416
Journal Article
Tromp, J., Quinque, E. M., , , , … (2020). Multidimensional evaluation of virtual reality paradigms in clinical neuropsychology: Application of the VR-check framework. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 22. doi:10.2196/16724
, 2016
Journal Article
Obrig, H., Villringer, A., Quinque, E. M., Schroeter, M. L., … Klein, T. A. (2016). Neural synchrony indexes impaired motor slowing after errors and novelty following white matter damage. Neurobiology of Aging, 38, 205–213.
, , 2014
Journal Article
Schäfer, A., Quinque, E. M., Kipping, J., Arélin, K., Roggenhofer, E., Frisch, S., … Schroeter, M. L. (2014). Early small vessel disease affects frontoparietal and cerebellar hubs in close correlation with clinical symptoms: A resting-state fMRI study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 34, 1091–1095.
Journal Article
Quinque, E. M., , Arélin, K., Schroeter, M. L., , & Villringer, A. (2014). Structural and functional MRI study of the brain, cognition and mood in long-term adequately treated Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 42, 188–198.
Journal Article
Frisch, S., Quinque, E. M., & Schroeter, M. L. (2013). Kognitive Funktionsstörungen bei früher zerebraler Mikroangiopathie (Cognitive deficits in early small vessel disease). Neuro Aktuell: Informationsdienst für Neurologen & Psychiater, 27, 17.
Journal Article
Quinque, E. M., Villringer, A., , & (2013). Patient-reported outcomes in adequately treated hypothyroidism: Insights from the German versions of ThyDQoL, ThySRQ and ThyTSQ. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-11-68
Journal Article
Quinque, E. M., Arélin, K., , Roggenhofer, E., Streitbürger, D. P., Villringer, A., … Schroeter, M. (2012). Identifying the neural correlates of executive functions in early cerebral microangiopathy: A combined VBM and DTI study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 32, 1869–1878.
Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Quinque, E. M., , & Gaebler, M. (2024). Einsatz und Perspektive der immersiven Virtuellen Realität bei der Neurorehabilitation. In , , & (Eds.), NeuroRehabilitation (4th ed., pp. 639–648). Heidelberg: Springer.
Poster (5)
Tromp, J., Akbal, M., Quinque, E. M., Klotzsche, F., , Villringer, A., … Gaebler, M. OpenVirtualObjects: An open set of standardized and validated 3D household objects for virtual reality-based research, diagnostics, and therapy. Poster presented at the ICVR 2019 - International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv, Israel. Retrieved from
Tromp, J., Quinque, E. M., Belger, J., Klotzsche, F., Gaebler, M., … Multidimensional assessment of virtual reality applications in clinical neuropsychology: The “VR-Check” framework. Poster presented at the ICVR 2019 - International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv, Israel. Retrieved from
, 2013
Schäfer, A., Quinque, E. M., Kipping, J., Arélin, K., Roggenhofer, E., Frisch, S., … Schroeter, M. L. Central hubs affected by early small vessel disease. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Seattle, WA, USA. Retrieved from
Arelin, K., , Frisch, S., Weig, E. M., Spengler, S., Villringer, A., & Schroeter, M. L. Healthy aging affects social cognition and executive functions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Weig, E. M., Arelin, K., , Spengler, S., & Villringer, A. Social cognition is impaired besided executive functions in cerebral microangiopathy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotheray and Neurology (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Quinque, E. M. (2015). Brain, mood and cognition in hypothyroidism (PhD Thesis). Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
Preprint (1)
Tromp, J., Klotzsche, F., , Akbal, M., , Quinque, E. M., … Gaebler, M. (2020, September 28). OpenVirtualObjects (OVO): An open set of standardized and validated 3D household objects for virtual reality-based research, assessment, and therapy. OSFPreprints. doi:10.31219/