Publications of Ole Numssen

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Weise, K., Makaroff, S. N., Numssen, O., Bikson, M., & Knösche, T. R. (2025). Statistical method accounts for microscopic electric field distortions around neurons when simulating activation thresholds. Brain Stimulation. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2025.02.007
Journal Article
Williams, K., Numssen, O., Guerra, J. D., Kopal, J., Bzdok, D., & Hartwigsen, G. (2024). Inhibition of the inferior parietal lobe triggers state-dependent network adaptations. Heliyon, 10. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39735
Journal Article
Numssen, O., Martin, S., Williams, K., Knösche, T. R., & Hartwigsen, G. (2024). Quantification of subject motion during TMS via pulsewise coil displacement. Brain Stimulation. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2024.08.009
Journal Article
Numssen, O., Kuhnke, P., Weise, K., & Hartwigsen, G. (2024). Electric-field-based dosing for TMS. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1–12.
Journal Article
Schroen, J., Gunter, T. C., Numssen, O., Kroczek, L. O. H., Hartwigsen, G., & Friederici, A. D. (2023). Causal evidence for a coordinated temporal interplay within the language network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2306279120
Journal Article
Jing, Y., Numssen, O., Weise, K., Kalloch, B., Buchberger, L., Haueisen, J., … Knösche, T. R. (2023). Modeling the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on spatial attention. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/acff34
Journal Article
Friehs, M., Siodmiak, J., Donzallaz, M. C., Matzke, D., Numssen, O., Frings, C., & Hartwigsen, G. (2023). No effects of 1 Hz offline TMS on performance in the stop-signal game. Scientific Reports, 13. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-38841-z
Journal Article
Numssen, O., van der Burght, C. L., & Hartwigsen, G. (2023). Revisiting the focality of non-invasive brain stimulation – Implications for studies of human cognition. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 149. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105154
Journal Article
van der Burght, C. L., Numssen, O., Schlaak, B., Goucha, T., & Hartwigsen, G. (2023). Differential contributions of inferior frontal gyrus subregions to sentence processing guided by intonation. Human Brain Mapping, 44, 585–598.
Journal Article
Weise, K., Numssen, O., Kalloch, B., Zier, A. L., Thielscher, A., Haueisen, J., … Knösche, T. R. (2022). Precise motor mapping with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Nature Protocols, 18, 293–318.
Journal Article
Williams, K., Numssen, O., & Hartwigsen, G. (2022). Task-specific network interactions across key cognitive domains. Cerebral Cortex, 32, 5050–5071.
Journal Article
Maran, M., Numssen, O., Hartwigsen, G., & Zaccarella, E. (2022). Online neurostimulation of Broca's area does not interfere with syntactic predictions: A combined TMS-EEG approach to basic linguistic combination. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.968836
Journal Article
Numssen, O., Zier, A., Thielscher, A., Hartwigsen, G., Knösche, T. R., & Weise, K. (2021). Efficient high-resolution TMS mapping of the human motor cortex by nonlinear regression. NeuroImage, 245. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118654
Journal Article
Numssen, O., Bzdok, D., & Hartwigsen, G. (2021). Functional specialization within the inferior parietal lobes across cognitive domains. ELife, 10. doi:10.7554/eLife.63591
Journal Article
Weise, K., Numssen, O., Thielscher, A., Hartwigsen, G., & Knösche, T. R. (2020). A novel approach to localize cortical TMS effects. NeuroImage, 209. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116486
Journal Article
Numssen, O., Bzdok, D., & Hartwigsen, G. Hemispheric specialization within the human inferior parietal lobe across cognitive domains. ELife. Retrieved from

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Bjoerklund, J., Chang, K.-Y., Tik, M., Mizutani-Tiebel, Y., van Hattem, T., Numssen, O., … Keeser, D. (2025). Effects of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) on resting-state connectivity and acute BOLD response: Insights from interleaved TMS-fMRI in healthy adults. In Brain Stimulation (Vol. 18, pp. 392–392). New York, NY: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Knösche, T. R., Makaroff, S. N., Numssen, O., Bikson, M., & Weise, K. (2025). Accounting for electric field distortions in neural tissue when simulating TMS thresholds. In Brain Stimulation (Vol. 18, pp. 293–293). New York, NY: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Martin, C., Numssen, O., Kim, E., Daneshzand, M., Makarov, S., Raij, T., … Knösche, T. R. (2025). Optimising stimulation focality of multichannel TMS. In Brain Stimulation (Vol. 18, pp. 504–504). New York, NY: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Numssen, O. (2025). Voxel-wise analyses of motor cortex functions with multichannel TMS. In Brain Stimulation (Vol. 18, pp. 278–278). New York, NY: Elsevier.
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