Publications of Robert Turner
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Journal Article (282)
Journal Article
Streicher, M., Schäfer, A., Reimer, E., Dhital, B., Trampel, R., Ivanov, D., & Turner, R. (2012). Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency MR thermometry. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 25, 41–47.
Journal Article
Schindler, S., Geyer, S., , Anwander, A., , Turner, R., & (2012). Structural studies of the hypothalamus and its nuclei in mood disorders. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 201, 1–9.
Journal Article
Turner, R. (2012). The need for systematic ethnopsychology: The ontological status of mentalistic terminology. Anthropological Theory, 12, 29–42.
Journal Article
Heidemann, R. M., Turner, R., & (2011). How the brain tissue shapes the electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation. NeuroImage, 58, 849–859.
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Journal Article
Solano-Castiella, E., Schäfer, A., Reimer, E., Türke, E., , Lohmann, G., … Turner, R. (2011). Parcellation of human amygdala in vivo using ultra high field structural MRI. NeuroImage, 58, 741–748.
Journal Article
Stahl, B., Kotz, S. A., Henseler, I., Turner, R., & Geyer, S. (2011). Rhythm in disguise: Why singing may not hold the key to recovery from aphasia. Brain, 134, 3083–3093.
Journal Article
Trampel, R., Ott, D. V. M., & Turner, R. (2011). Do the congenitally blind have a stria of gennari? First intracortical insights in vivo. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 2075–2081.
Journal Article
Neumann, J., Turner, R., , & Lohmann, G. (2011). Exploring functional relations between brain regions from fMRI meta-analysis data: Comments on Ramsey, Spirtes, and Glymour. NeuroImage, 57, 331–333.
Journal Article
Bode, S., , Soon, C. S., Trampel, R., Turner, R., & Haynes, J.-D. (2011). Tracking the unconscious generation of free decisions using uItra-high field fMRI. PLoS One, 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021612
Journal Article
Geyer, S., Weiss, M., Reimann, K., Lohmann, G., & Turner, R. (2011). Microstructural parcellation of the human cerebral cortex: From Brodmann's post-mortem map to in vivo mapping with high-field magnetic resonance imaging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2011.00019
Journal Article
Kozlov, M., & Turner, R. (2011). Analysis of transmit magnetic field homogeneity for a 7T multi-channel MRI loop array. PIERS Online, 7, 426–430.
Journal Article
Turner, R., , & (2010). Recent advances in high-resolution MR application and its implications for neurovascular coupling research. Frontiers in Neuroenergetics, 2. doi:10.3389/fnene.2010.00130
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Journal Article
Anwander, A., Schäfer, A., Neumann, J., , , … Turner, R. (2010). Cortico-striatal connections predict control over speed and accuracy in perceptual decision making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 15916–15920.
Journal Article
Lohmann, G., , Mueller, K., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2010). Image restoration and spatial resolution in 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64, 15–22.
Journal Article
Lohmann, G., Margulies, D. S., Horstmann, A., Pleger, B., Lepsien, J., Goldhahn, D., … Turner, R. (2010). Eigenvector centrality mapping for analyzing connectivity patterns in fMRI data of the human brain. PLoS One, 5. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010232
Journal Article
Turner, R., , & (2010). Neuroanthropology: a humanistic science for the study of the culture-brain nexus. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 5, 138–147.
Journal Article
Heidemann, R. M., , Anwander, A., , , Knösche, T. R., & Turner, R. (2010). Diffusion imaging in humans at 7T using readout-segmented EPI and GRAPPA. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64, 9–14.
Journal Article
Ivanov, D., Schäfer, A., Streicher, M., Heidemann, R. M., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2010). A simple low-SAR technique for chemical-shift selection with high-field spin-echo imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64, 319–326.
Journal Article
Jochimsen, T. H., Ivanov, D., Ott, D. V. M., , Turner, R., Möller, H. E., & (2010). Whole-brain mapping of venous vessel size in humans using the hypercapnia-induced BOLD effect. NeuroImage, 51, 765–774.
Journal Article
Kozlov, M., & Turner, R. (2010). A comparison of ansoft HFSS and CST microwave studio simulation software for multi-channel coil design and SAR estimation at 7T MRI. PIERS Online, 6, 395–399.