Publications of Carina Forster

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Studenova, A., Forster, C., Engemann, D. A., Hensch, T., Sanders, C., Mauche, N., … Nikulin, V. V. (2023). Event-related modulation of alpha rhythm explains the auditory P300-evoked response in EEG. ELife, 12. doi:10.7554/eLife.88367
Journal Article
Kluger, D. S., Forster, C., Abbasi, O., Chalas, N., Villringer, A., & Gross, J. (2023). Modulatory dynamics of periodic and aperiodic activity in respiration-brain coupling. Nature Communications, 14. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-40250-9
Journal Article
Ciston, A. B., Forster, C., Brick, T. R., Kühn, S., Verrel, J., & Filevich, E. (2022). Do I look like I'm sure? Partial metacognitive access to the low-level aspects of one's own facial expressions. Cognition, 225. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2022.105155
Journal Article
Knop, A. J. J., Spengler, S., Bogler, C., Forster, C., Brecht, M., Haynes, J.-D., & Heim, C. (2022). Sensory-tactile functional mapping and use-associated structural variation of the human female genital representation field. The Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 1131–1140.
Journal Article
Filevich, E., Forlim, C. G., Fehrman, C., Forster, C., Paulus, M., Shing, Y. L., & Kühn, S. (2020). I know that I know nothing: Cortical thickness and functional connectivity underlying meta-ignorance ability in pre-schoolers. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 41. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2019.100738

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Studenova, A., Villringer, A., Forster, C., Engemann, D. A., Hensch, T., Sander, C., … Nikulin, V. V. (2024). Unifying evoked responses and oscillatory neuronal dynamics. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Vol. 52, pp. S166–S166). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Talk (1)

Enk, L., Forster, C., Al, E., Grund, M., & Villringer, A. External vs. internal priors: Investigating the influence of stimulus expectation and the cardiac cycle on somatosensory perception. Talk_at_event presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Conference on Body-Brain Waves, Salerno, Italy. Retrieved from

Poster (7)

Zhang, J., Forster, C., Hegerl, U., Hensch, T., Nikulin, V. V., Sander, C., … Witte, A. V. Beta activity shapes heartbeat evoked responses and somatosensory perception with opposing directions. Poster presented at the Neural Traces 2024 – Advanced M/EEG Methods and Clinical Applications Workshop, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Böke, A., Enk, L., Forster, C., Panagoulas, E., Villringer, A., Nikulin, V. V., & Stephani, T. Can illusory percepts be affected by sensory interhemispheric inhibition? A somatosensory EEG study based on the cutaneous rabbit effect. Poster presented at the 11th MindBrainBody Symposium 2024, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Forster, C., Stephani, T., Grund, M., Panagoulas, E., Al, E., Nikulin, V. V., & Villringer, A. Implicit and explicit biases shape somatosensory perception and modulate prestimulus alpha and beta power. Poster presented at the Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CNN), Oxford, United Kingdom. Retrieved from
Studenova, A., Forster, C., Engemann, D. A., Hensch, T., Sander, C., Mauche, N., … Nikulin, V. V. Unifying evoked responses and oscillatory neuronal dynamics. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2023), Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
Forster, C., Grund, M., Panagoulas, E., Al, E., Stephani, T., Nikulin, V. V., & Villringer, A. Neural correlates of stimulus expectations in somatosensory perception. Poster presented at the 10th MindBrainBody Symposium 2023, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Forster, C., Grund, M., Panagoulas, E., Al, E., Stephani, T., Nikulin, V. V., & Villringer, A. Neural correlates of stimulus expectations in somatosensory perception. Poster presented at the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from
Studenova, A., Forster, C., Engemann, D. A., Hensch, T., Sander, C., Mauche, N., … Nikulin, V. V. Unifying evoked responses and oscillatory neuronal dynamics. Poster presented at the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. Retrieved from

Preprint (2)

Forster, C., Stephani, T., Grund, M., Panagoulas, E., Al, E., Hofmann, S., … Villringer, A. (2024, June 13). Pre-stimulus beta power encodes explicit and implicit perceptual biases in distinct cortical areas. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.06.12.598458
Ciston, A. B., Forster, C., Brick, T. R., Kühn, S., Verrel, J., & Filevich, E. (2021, March 10). Limited metacognitive access to one’s own facial expressions. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.03.08.434069
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