Publications of Max Wawrzyniak

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Jiang, Z., Kuhnke, P., Stockert, A., Wawrzyniak, M., Halai, A., Saur, D., & Hartwigsen, G. (2025). Dynamic reorganization of task-related network interactions in post-stroke aphasia recovery. Brain. doi:1093/brain/awaf036
Journal Article
Hartwigsen, G., Bzdok, D., Klein, M., Wawrzyniak, M., Stockert, A., Wrede, K., … Saur, D. (2017). Rapid short-term reorganization in the language network. ELife, 6. doi:10.7554/eLife.25964
Journal Article
Wawrzyniak, M., Hoffstaedter, F., Klingbeil, J., Stockert, A., Wrede, K., Hartwigsen, G., … Saur, D. (2017). Fronto-temporal interactions are functionally relevant for semantic control in language processing. PLoS One, 12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0177753
Journal Article
Hartwigsen, G., Henseler, I., Stockert, A., Wawrzyniak, M., Wendt, C., Klingbeil, J., … Saur, D. (2017). Integration demands modulate effective connectivity in a fronto-temporal network for contextual sentence integration. NeuroImage, 147, 812–824.
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