International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure and Plasticity (IMPRS NeuroCom)
Module III Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
In this module, students are taught how innovative questions can be asked and how state-of-the-art techniques can be used in the attempt to understand the brain both in its normal and diseased state. The “classical” anatomical way to study the brain’s microstructure by cutting and staining postmortem brains is becoming increasingly complemented by non-invasive neuroimaging techniques used in vivo. Current research draws on powerful techniques such as functional and structural MRI, EEG, MEG, and NIRS. The teaching part of this module covers the foundations of Neuroscience, sensory and motor systems, brain and behaviour, and psychiatric and neurological disorders of the brain.
Prof. Joseph Classen, chairman of the Dept. of Neurology, University Hospital of Leipzig, is interested in studying the principles of motor control and in the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and motor learning.
Our group is engaged in imaging and analyzing the structure, composition and function of the CNS in physiology and pathology with a special focus on the extracellular matrix, myelin and iron.
We investigate the how sensory information is encoded in the auditory cortex by performing comparable experiments with high-resolution fMRI in humans and system-level optical imaging in mice.
Aims of our lab are (a) to determine autonomic and cognitive control mechanisms that regulate food intake, (b) to identify metabolic factors that impact the brain due to overeating and obesity or alternative eating habits, and (c) to test if interventions that target these pathways could improve brain function. more
In the "Cognitive Neurogenetics" group we study how brain structure and function are shaped by innate and environmental factors, we are situated at the Max Planck for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and in addition affiliated with the Research Centre Jülich, INM-7.