Publications of Lorenz Deserno
All genres
Journal Article (66)
Journal Article
Deserno, L., , , & Schlagenhauf, F. (2013). Reinforcement learning and dopamine in schizophrenia: Dimensions of symptoms or specific features of a disease group? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 4. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00172
Journal Article
Deserno, L., Schlagenhauf, F., , , , & (2013). Dissecting psychiatric spectrum disorders by generative embedding. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, 98–111.
Journal Article
Deserno, L., & (2013). Urbanicity, social adversity and psychosis. World Psychiatry, 12, 187–197.
Journal Article
Schlagenhauf, F., , , , , Deserno, L., … (2013). Ventral striatal prediction error signaling is associated with dopamine synthesis capacity and fluid intelligence. Human Brain Mapping, 34, 1490–1499.
Journal Article
Deserno, L., Schlagenhauf, F., , , , … (2012). Decline in prefrontal catecholamine synthesis explains age-related changes in cognitive speed beyond regional grey matter atrophy. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 39, 1462–1466.
Journal Article
Deserno, L., , , , & Schlagenhauf, F. (2012). Reduced prefrontal-parietal effective connectivity and working memory deficits in schizophrenia. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 12–20.
Meeting Abstract (6)
Meeting Abstract
Deserno, L., , , , & Schlagenhauf, F. (2018). Modeling subjective relevance in schizophrenia and its relation to aberrant salience. In Biological Psychiatry (73rd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting, Vol. 83, pp. S433–S433). New York: Elsevier.
, , 2017
Meeting Abstract
Reiter, A., Deserno, L., & Schlagenhauf, F. (2017). Trans-diagnostic investigation of behavioral adaptation in disorders of compulsivity: Maladaptive exploration and impaired goal-directed behavior. In Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 81, pp. S154–S155). New York: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Deserno, L., , , & Schlagenhauf, F. (2014). Presynaptic dopamine modulates the balance of model-free and model-based choice behavior and its prefrontal and striatal correlates: Implications for impulsivity and alcohol dependence. In Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 75, pp. 380S–381S). New York: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Deserno, L., , , , , … Schlagenhauf, F. (2014). The fronto-striatal glutamate-dopamine interaction in the human brain. In Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 75, pp. S106–S106). New York: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Reiter, A., Deserno, L., Sjoerds, Z., , , & Schlagenhauf, F. (2014). Transdiagnostic investigation of behavioral adaptation in patients with failure of behavioral control. In Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 75, pp. 381S–381S). New York: Elsevier.
Meeting Abstract
Deserno, L., , , Horstmann, A., Neumann, J., , … Schlagenhauf, F. (2013). Impulsivity as a trait risk factor of addiction - Impact on model-free and model-based control of decision making. In Abstracts of the 68th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting (pp. 307S–307S).
Talk (5)
Deserno, L. A role for presynaptic striatal dopamine in model-based decision-making. Talk_at_event presented at the Dopamine 2016, Vienna, Austria. Retrieved from
Deserno, L. Goals and habits: From dopamine to addiction – A computational and dimensional approach to psychiatry. Talk_at_event presented at the Deutsches Zentrum für neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Magdeburg, Germany. Retrieved from
Deserno, L. Dimensional and Computational Psychiatry: Flexible behavioral control in addiction and its risk factors. Talk_at_event presented at the Psychologie & Gehirn 2016, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Deserno, L., , , , , , … Schlagenhauf, F. Understanding impaired flexible reward-based decision-making by hierarchical Bayesian learning: A computational fMRI study in schizophrenia. Talk_at_event presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA, USA. Retrieved from
Deserno, L. Decisions in dynamic environments: Behavioral and neural signatures of flexible decision-making in schizophrenia. Talk_at_event presented at the 5th European Congress of the Schizophrenia Research, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
Poster (10)
Waltmann, M., Herzog, N., Reiter, A., Villringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Deserno, L. Neurocomputational mechanisms of differential reinforcement learning from wins and losses in obesity and binge eating. Poster presented at the Computational Psychiatry Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Retrieved from
Waltmann, M., Herzog, N., Reiter, A., Villringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Deserno, L. Diminished reinforcement sensitivity in adolescence is associated with enhanced response switching and reduced coding of choice probability in the medial frontal pole. Poster presented at the Computational Psychiatry Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Retrieved from
Waltmann, M., Herzog, N., Reiter, A., Villringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Deserno, L. Neurocomputational mechanisms of differential reinforcement learning from wins and losses in obesity and binge eating. Poster presented at the Psychologie und Gehirn (PuG), Hamburg, Germany. Retrieved from