Publications of Veronika Engert

Journal Article (70)

Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Giebl, S., Duchesne, A., Lue, S. D., Andrews, J., Efanov, S., … Pruessner, J. C. (2016). Psychological, endocrine, and neural correlates of attentional bias in subclinical depression. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 29, 479–496.
Journal Article
Steinbeis, N., Engert, V., Linz, R., & Singer, T. (2015). The effects of stress and affiliation on social decision-making: Investigating the tend-and-befriend pattern. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, 138–148.
Journal Article
Radenbach, C., Reiter, A., Engert, V., Sjoerds, Z., Villringer, A., Heinze, H.-J., … Schlagenhauf, F. (2015). The interaction of acute and chronic stress impairs model-based behavioral control. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 53, 268–280.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Smallwood, J., & Singer, T. (2014). Mind your thoughts: Associations between self-generated thoughts and stress-induced and baseline levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase. Biological Psychology, 103, 283–291.
Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Duchesne, A., Engert, V., Lue, S. D., Andrews, J., Efanov, S. I., … Pruessner, J. C. (2014). Psychological, endocrine and neural responses to social evaluation in subclinical depression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1632–1644.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Plessow, F., Miller, R., Kirschbaum, C., & Singer, T. (2014). Cortisol increase in empathic stress is modulated by emotional closeness and observation modality. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 45, 192–201.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Merla, A., Grant, J. A., Cardone, D., Tusche, A., & Singer, T. (2014). Exploring the use of thermal infrared imaging in human stress research. PLoS One, 9. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090782
Journal Article
Admon, R., Leykin, D., Lubin, G., Engert, V., Andrews, J., Pruessner, J., & Hendler, T. (2013). Stress-induced reduction in hippocampal volume and connectivity with the ventromedial prefrontal cortex are related to maladaptive responses to stressful military service. Human Brain Mapping, 34, 2808–2816.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Efanov, S. I., Duchesne, A., Vogel, S., Corbo, V., & Pruessner, J. C. (2013). Differentiating anticipatory from reactive cortisol responses to psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 1328–1337.
Journal Article
Duchesne, A., Tessera, E., Dedovic, K., Engert, V., & Pruessner, J. C. (2012). Effects of panel sex composition on the physiological stress responses to psychosocial stress in healthy young men and women. Biological Psychology, 89, 99–106.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Vogel, S., Efanov, S. I., Duchesne, A., Corbo, V., Ali, N., & Pruessner, J. C. (2011). Investigation into the cross-correlation of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase responses to psychological stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 1294–1302.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Efanov, S. I., Dedovic, K., Dagher, A., & Pruessner, J. C. (2011). Increased cortisol awakening response and afternoon/evening cortisol output in healthy young adults with low early life parental care. Psychopharmacology, 241, 261–268.
Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Engert, V., Duchesne, A., Lue, S. D., Andrews, J., Efanov, S. I., … Pruessner, J. C. (2010). Cortisol awakening response and hippocampal volume: vulnerability for major depressive disorder? Biological Psychiatry, 68, 847–853.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Buss, C., Khalili-Mahani, N., Wadiwalla, M., Dedovic, K., & Pruessner, J. C. (2010). Investigating the association between early life parental care and stress responsivity in adulthood. Developmental Neuropsychology, 35, 570–581.
Journal Article
Khalili-Mahani, N., Dedovic, K., Engert, V., Pruessner, M., & Pruessner, J. C. (2010). Hippocampal activation during a cognitive task is associated with subsequent neuroendocrine and cognitive responses to psychological stress. Hippocampus, 20, 323–334.
Journal Article
Lord, C., Engert, V., Lupien, S. J., & Pruessner, J. C. (2010). Effect of sex and estrogen therapy on the aging brain: A voxel-based morphometry study. Menopause, 17, 846–851.
Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Duchesne, A., Andrews, J., Engert, V., & Pruessner, J. C. (2009). The brain and the stress axis: The neural correlates of cortisol regulation in response to stress. NeuroImage: Clinical, 47, 864–871.
Journal Article
Engert, V., Joober, R., Meaney, M. J., Hellhammer, D. H., & Pruessner, J. C. (2009). Behavioral response to methylphenidate challenge: Influence of early life parental care. Developmental Psychobiology, 51, 408–416.
Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Rexroth, M., Wolff, E., Duchesne, A., Scherling , C., Beaudry, T., … Pruessner, J. C. (2009). Neural correlates of processing stressful information: An event-related fMRI study. Brain Research, 1293, 49–60.
Journal Article
Dedovic, K., Wadiwalla, M., Engert, V., & Pruessner, J. C. (2009). The role of sex and gender socialization in stress reactivity. Developmental Psychology, 45, 45–55.
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