Publications of Robert Turner

Meeting Abstract (80)

Meeting Abstract
Kozlov, M., Rothe, T., & Turner, R. (2009). Optimization of SAR calculation for 3-D EM time and frequency domain data. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 4779).
Meeting Abstract
Kozlov, M., & Turner, R. (2009). Performance optimization of a multi-channel transmit coil with significant coupling between elements. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 4765).
Meeting Abstract
Kozlov, M., & Turner, R. (2009). Transient thermal simulation based on 3-D EM frequency domain data for a 7 T multi-channel coil. In Proceeding of the BioEM 2009 (p. 113).
Meeting Abstract
Lohmann, G., Obleser, J., Friederici, A. D., & Turner, R. (2009). Introduction spectral clustering and functional connectivity analysis of low-frequency fluctuations in fMRI data reveal a distinct separation between the superior temporal sulcus and the superior temporal gyrus. In NeuroImage (Vol. 47, p. S58).
Meeting Abstract
Lohmann, G., Obleser, J., Friederici, A. D., & Turner, R. (2009). Spectral clustering of low-frequency fluctuations in fMRI data reveal a distinct separation between the superior temporal sulcus and the superior temporal gyrus. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 483 F-AM).
Meeting Abstract
Lohmann, G., Obleser, J., Friederici, A. D., & Turner, R. (2009). Spectral clustering of low-frequency fluctuations in fMRI data reveal a distinct separation between the superior temporal sulcus and the superior temporal gyrus. In 17th meeting of the Int. Soc. for Magn. Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (p. 694).
Meeting Abstract
Neumann, J., Fox, P., Turner, R., & Lohmann, G. (2009). A meta-analysis processing chain for the detection of partially directed functional networks from fMRI activation coordinates. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 374 SU-PM).
Meeting Abstract
Ruschel, M., Anwander, A., Knösche, T. R., Turner, R., & Geyer, S. (2009). Connectivity-based parcellation of the human inferior parietal cortex - new insights into the problem of structure-function relationships in humans and Macaques. In 35. Arbeitstagung Psychophysiologie und Methodik (p. 109). Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH.
Meeting Abstract
Ruschel, M., Anwander, A., Knösche, T. R., Turner, R., & Geyer, S. (2009). Connectivity-based parcellation of the human inferior parietal cortex – new insights into the problem of structure-function relationships in humans and Macaques. In NeuroImage (Vol. 47, p. S127).
Meeting Abstract
Schäfer, A., Bowtell, R. W., & Turner, R. (2009). Orientation Dependence of Grey/white Matter Contrast in Ultra High Fields. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 2921).
Meeting Abstract
Schäfer, A., Wiggins, C. J., & Turner, R. (2009). Understanding the orientation dependent T2* contrast of the cingulum in ultra high fields. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 955).
Meeting Abstract
Schönknecht, P., Petzold, F., Anwander, A., Hegerl, U., Turner, R., & Geyer, S. (2009). MRT-basierte Volumetrie und Subparzialisierung des Hypothalamus. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Geyer, S., Schoenknecht, P., Loeffler, S., Hegerl, U., & Turner, R. (2009). T²* mapping of human post-mortem brain at 7T. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 234 F-PM).
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Heidemann, R. M., Ivanov, D., & Turner, R. (2009). Anatomical identification of V5 in humans at 7 T. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 242 F-PM).
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Heidemann, R. M., Ivanov, D., & Turner, R. (2009). Anatomical identification of V5 in humans at 7 T. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 3503).
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Heidemann, R. M., & Turner, R. (2009). Anatomical imaging at 7 T using 2D GRASE – A comparison with 2D TSE. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 241 F-AM).
Meeting Abstract
Trampel, R., Kozlov, M., Jochimsen, T. H., Reimer, E., Mildner, T., & Turner, R. (2009). The influence of design and position of the labeling coil on the efficiency in CASL experiments at 7 T – a computer simulation. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 3627).
Meeting Abstract
Weiss, M., Lohmann, G., Scheuermann, G., & Turner, R. (2009). Automatic extraction of 3D cortical profiles as the basis for anatomically-based cortical parcellation. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM (p. 2891).
Meeting Abstract
Weiss, M., Lohmann, G., Scheuermann, G., & Turner, R. (2009). Enriched 3D cortical profiles as a flexible tool for anatomically-based cortical parcellation. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (pp. 555 SU-AM).
Meeting Abstract
Heidemann, R. M., Fasano, F., Pfeuffer, J., Leuze, C., Trampel, R., & Turner, R. (2008). Improving echo planar imaging at 7T by combining outer volume suppression and parallel imaging. In Workshop on High Field Systems and Applications (p. 5).