Publications of Sonja A. Kotz

Journal Article (257)

Journal Article
Schmidt-Kassow, M., Schubotz, R. I., & Kotz, S. A. (2009). Attention and entrainment: P3b varies as a function of temporal predictability. NeuroReport, 20, 31–36.
Journal Article
Kotz, S. A. (2009). A critical review of ERP and fMRI evidence on L2 syntactic processing. Brain and Language, 109, 68–74.
Journal Article
Kotz, S. A., Herrmann, C. S., & Frisch, S. (2009). Die Verwendung ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale in der Sprachverarbeitung: Untersuchungen mit hirngesunden und hirngeschädigten Probanden. Das Neurophysiologie-Labor, 31, 36–46.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., Jessen, S., & Kotz, S. A. (2009). Investigating the multimodal nature of human communication: Insights from ERPs. Journal of Psychophysiology, 23, 63–76.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., Pell, M. D., & Kotz, S. A. (2009). Comparative processing of emotional prosody and semantics following basal ganglia infarcts: ERP evidence of selective impairments for disgust and fear. Brain Research, 1295, 159–169.
Journal Article
Obleser, J., Eisner, F., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Bilateral speech comprehension reflects differential sensitivity to spectral and temporal features. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 8116–8123.
Journal Article
Hasting, A. S., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Speeding up syntax: On the relative timing and automaticity of local phrase structure and morphosyntactic processing as reflected in event-related brain potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 1207–1219.
Journal Article
Hasting, A. S., Winkler, I., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Early differential processing of verbs and nouns in the human brain as indexed by event-related brain potentials. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 1561–1565.
Journal Article
Kotz, S. A., Holcomb, P. J., & Osterhout, L. (2008). ERPs reveal comparable syntactic sentence processing in native and non-native readers of English. Acta Psychologica, 128, 514–527.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). An ERP investigation on the temporal dynamics of emotional prosody and emotional semantics in pseudo- and lexical-sentence context. Brain and Language, 105, 59–69.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Early emotional prosody percpetion based on different speaker voices. NeuroReport, 19, 209–213.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., Pell, M. D., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Functional contributions of the basal ganglia to emotional prosody: Evidence from ERPs. Brain Research, 1217, 171–178.
Journal Article
Paulmann, S., Pell, M. D., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). How aging affects the recognition of emotional speech. Brain and Language, 104, 262–269.
Journal Article
Raettig, T., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Auditory processing of different types of pseudo-words: An event-related fMRI study. NeuroImage, 39, 1420–1428.
Journal Article
Schmidt-Kassow, M., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). Entrainment of syntactic processing? ERP-responses to predictable time intervals during syntactic reanalysis. Brain Research, 1226, 144–155.
Journal Article
Thierry, G., & Kotz, S. A. (2008). The right hemisphere fails to orient to the negative valence of visually presented words. NeuroReport, 19, 1231–1234.
Journal Article
Friederici, A. D., von Cramon, D. Y., & Kotz, S. A. (2007). Role of the corpus callosum in speech comprehension: Interfacing syntax and prosody. Neuron, 53, 135–145.
Journal Article
Friedrich, C. K., & Kotz, S. A. (2007). Event-related potential evidence of form and meaning coding during online speech recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 594–604.
Journal Article
Hasting, A. S., Kotz, S. A., & Friederici, A. D. (2007). Setting the stage for automatic syntax processing: The mismatch negativity as an indicator of syntactic priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 386–400.
Journal Article
Hernandez, A. E., Hofmann, J., & Kotz, S. A. (2007). Age of acquisition modulates neural activity for both regular and irregular syntactic functions. NeuroImage, 36, 912–923.
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