Publications of Frauke Beyer

Poster (23)

Schaare, H. L., Kharabian, S., Beyer, F., Kumral, D., Uhlig, M., Reinelt, J., … Villringer, A. Modulation of brain structure by resting blood pressure variations in young adults. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Retrieved from

Preprint (12)

Pachter, D., Meir, A. Y., Kaplan, A., Tsaban, G., Zelicha, H., Rinott, E., … Shai, I. (2024, November 20). Gal-9 and DCN serum expression reflect accelerated brain aging and are attenuated by the green-mediterranean diet: The 18-month DIRECT PLUS proteomics-brain MRI Trial. MedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.11.19.24317485
Hofmann, S., Goltermann, O., Scherf, N., Müller, K.-R., Löffler, M., Villringer, A., … Beyer, F. (2024, October 1). The utility of explainable A.I. for MRI analysis: Relating model predictions to neuroimaging features of the aging brain. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.09.27.615357
Jawinski, P., Forstbach, H., Kirsten, H., Beyer, F., Villringer, A., Witte, A. V., … Markett, S. (2023, December 29). Genome-wide analysis of brain age identifies 25 associated loci and unveils relationships with mental and physical health. MedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2023.12.26.23300533
Töws, E., Medawar, E., Thieleking, R., Beyer, F., Stumvoll, M., Villringer, A., & Witte, A. V. (2023, November 1). Habitual and supplemented prebiotic diets and their links to inflammatory serum markers and hypothalamic microstructure in young, overweight adults: A pre-registered study. MedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2023.11.01.23297892
Lammer, L., Beyer, F., Luppa, M., Sander, C., Baber, R., Engel, C., … Witte, A. V. (2022, September 23). Social isolation is linked to declining grey matter structure and cognitive functions in the LIFE-Adult panel study. MedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.12.14.21267787
Beyer, F., Witte, A. V., & Meemken, M.-T. (2022, May 19). Brain changes after long COVID. OSF Registries. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/EX7FQ
Zsido, R., Williams, A. N., Barth, C., Serio, B., Kurth, L., Beyer, F., … Sacher, J. (2022, May 2). Longitudinal 7T MRI reveals volumetric changes in subregions of human medial temporal lobe to sex hormone fluctuations. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2022.05.02.490281
Beyer, F., Horn, K., Frenzel, S., Hofer, E., Knol, M. J., Morys, F., … Witte, A. V. (2021, October 26). Investigating the genetic and environmental basis of head micromovements during MRI. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.10.25.465703
Hofmann, S., Beyer, F., Lapuschkin, S., Loeffler, M., Müller, K.-R., Villringer, A., … Witte, A. V. (2021, August 26). Towards the interpretability of deep learning models for human neuroimaging. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.06.25.449906
Thomas, K., Beyer, F., Lewe, G., Zhang, R., Schindler , S., Schönknecht, P., … Witte, A. V. (2019, July 2). Altered hypothalamic microstructure in human obesity. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/593004
Hofer, E., Roshchupkin, G. V., Adams, H. H. H., Knol, M. J., Lin, H., Li, S., … Seshadr, S. (2019, June 19). Genetic determinants of cortical structure (thickness, surface area and volumes) among disease free adults in the CHARGE Consortium. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/409649
Shin, J., Ma, S., Hofer, E., Patel, Y., Roshchupkin, G. V., Sousa, A. M., … neuroCHARGE Working Group. (2019, April 25). Planar cell polarity pathway and development of the human visual cortex. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/404558
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