Publications of Angela D. Friederici
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Meeting Abstract (137)
Meeting Abstract
Sammler, D., Koelsch, S., & Friederici, A. D. (2006). Processing of music syntactic information in brain lesioned patients - An ERP study. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 124–125). Bologna: Bononia University Press.
Meeting Abstract
Obrig, H., Gaebler, M., , Friedrich, M., Friederici, A. D., & (2006). Optical topography reveals lateralization of auditory language functions in four-year old children. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Florence, Italy. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Friedrich, M., , Obrig, H., & Friederici, A. D. (2006). The melody and meaning of sentences: Interhemispheric specialization at the age of four. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. Supplement, p. 175).
, , 2005
Meeting Abstract
Bahlmann, J., Friederici, A. D., Heim, S., & Schubotz, R. I. (2005). Neural correlates of the processing of two different artificial grammars. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (p. 24).
Meeting Abstract
Eckstein, K., & Friederici, A. D. (2005). Prosodic and syntactic speech processing and their interplay. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (p. 94).
Meeting Abstract
Regel, S., Gunter, T. C., & Friederici, A. D. (2005). On the processing of irony: An electrophysiological study. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Vol. 17, pp. 75–75).
Meeting Abstract
Nakamura, A., Maess, B., Knösche, T. R., & Friederici, A. D. (2004). Recognition of facial emotion. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism (p. 451). Boston: BIOMAG 2004 Ltd.
Meeting Abstract
Bach, P., Gunter, T. C., Knoblich, G., Prinz, W., & Friederici, A. D. (2003). Struktur und Bedeutungsbeziehungen beim Handlungsverstehen. In Experimentelle Psychologie. Lengerich: Papst Science. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Pannekamp, A., Toepel, U., Hahne, A., & Friederici, A. D. (2003). The brain's response to hummed sentences. In Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 877–879). Adelaide [Australia]: Causal Productions.
Meeting Abstract
Bach, P., Gunter, T. C., Knoblich, G., Friederici, A. D., & Prinz, W. (2002). Verarbeitung von Struktur und Bedeutung beim Handlungsverstehen. In Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (pp. 80–80). Regensburg: Roderer Verlag.
Meeting Abstract
Fiebach, C. J., Maess, B., & Friederici, A. D. (2002). Neuromagnetic evidence that differences in noun and verb processing are modulated by the presence of a syntactic context. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG 2002) (pp. 339–341). Berlin [et al.]: VDE Verlag.
Meeting Abstract
Friedrich, C. K., Kotz, S. A., Friederici, A. D., & Alter, K. (2002). Pitch contour guides spoken word recognition. In Proceedings Speech Prosody 2002 (pp. 311–314). Aubenas d'Ardeche/France: Imprimerie Lienhart.
Meeting Abstract
Gunter, T. C., Knoblich, G., Bach, P., Prinz, W., & Friederici, A. D. (2002). Meaning and structure in action comprehension: electrophysiological evidence. In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Retrieved from
Meeting Abstract
Nakamura, A., Maess, B., Gunter, T. C., Knösche, T. R., Bach, P., & Friederici, A. D. (2002). Recognition of hand postures in humans - A brain electromagnetic study. In NeuroImage (Vol. 16, pp. S1044–S1044).
Meeting Abstract
Nakamura, A., Maess, B., Gunter, T. C., Knösche, T. R., Bach, P., , & Friederici, A. D. (2002). Visual event-related magnetic fields to hand postures. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG 2002) (pp. 481–483). Berlin [et al.]: VDE Verlag.
Meeting Abstract
Sivonen, P., Maess, B., , & Friederici, A. D. (2002). Task difficulty influences the magnetic N400m response. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG 2002) (pp. 370–372). Berlin [et al.]: VDE Verlag.
Meeting Abstract
Kotz, S. A., , & Friederici, A. D. (2001). Processing of verb-argument structure and subcategorization information in brain-damaged patients: Event-related potential evidence. In Brain and Language (Vol. 79, pp. 24–25). Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Schubotz, R. I., von Cramon, D. Y., & Friederici, A. D. (2001). Learning serial order of interval, spatial, and object information: An fMRI study on sequencing. In Brain and Cognition (Vol. 47, pp. 120–123).
Meeting Abstract
Meyer, M., Alter, K., Friederici, A. D., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2000). Different hemodynamic responses to sentence-level syntactic and prosodic processing. In NeuroImage (Suppl., Vol. 11, pp. S281–S281). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
Meeting Abstract
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A. D. (2000). Content-specific lateralization of human prefrontal cortex in episodic memory: Combined ERP and fMRI evidence. In NeuroImage (Vol. 11, pp. S376–S376). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.