Publications of Arno Villringer

Journal Article (734)

Journal Article
Hock, C., Villringer, K., Mueller-Spahn, F., Wenzel, R., Heekeren, H. R., Schuh-Hofer, S., … Villringer, A. (1997). Decrease in parietal cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation during performance of a verbal fluency task in patients with Alzheimer`s disease monitored by means of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) - correlation with simultaneous rCBF-PET measurements. Brain Research, 755, 293–303.
Journal Article
Arnold, G., Kinze, S., von Pannewitz, H., Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (1997). Kann man den Blutfluss während der Migräne-Attacke messen? Med-Report, 26, 6.
Journal Article
Heekeren, H. R., Wenzel, R., Obrig, H., Ruben, J., Ndayisaba, J. P., Luo, Q., … Chance, B. (1997). Towards noninvasive optical human brain mapping - improvements of the spectral, temporal and spatial resolution of near-infrared spectroscopy. Proceedings SPIE, 2979, 847–857.
Journal Article
Hirth, C., Obrig, H., Valdueza, J., Dirnagl, U., & Villringer, A. (1997). Simultaneous assessment of cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics during a motor task. A combined near infrared and transcranial doppler sonography study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 411, 461–469.
Journal Article
Hirth, C., Obrig, H., Villringer, K., Bernarding, J., Thiel, A., Dirnagl, U., … Mühlnickl, W. (1997). Towards brain mapping combining near-infrared spectroscopy and high resolution 3D MRI. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 139–147.
Journal Article
Hock, C., Villringer, K., Heekeren, H., Hofmann, M., Wenzel, R., Villringer, A., & Mueller-Spahn, F. (1997). A role for near infrared spectroscopy in psychiatry. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 105–112.
Journal Article
Obrig, H., Hirth, C., Junge-Huelsing, G. J., Doege, C., Wenzel, R., Wolf, T., … Villringer, A. (1997). Length of resting period between stimulation cycles modulates hemodynamic response to a motor stimulus. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 411, 471–480.
Journal Article
Obrig, H., & Villringer, A. (1997). Near-infrared spectroscopy in functional activation studies: Can NIRS demonstrate cortical activation? Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 113–127.
Journal Article
Ruben, J., Wenzel, R., Obrig, H., Villringer, K., Bernarding, J., Hirth, C., … Villringer, A. (1997). Haemoglobin oxygenation changes during visual stimulation in the occipital cortex. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 428, 181–187.
Journal Article
Valdueza, J. M., Balzer, J. O., Villringer, A., Vogl, T. J., Kutter, R., & Einhaeupl, K. M. (1997). Changes in blood flow velocity and diameter of the middle cerebral artery during hyperventilation: Assessment with MR and transcranial Doppler sonography. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 18, 1929–1934.
Journal Article
Villringer, A. (1997). Functional neuroimaging: optical approaches. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 1–18.
Journal Article
Villringer, A. (1997). Understanding functional neuroimaging methods based on neurovascular coupling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 177–193.
Journal Article
Villringer, A., & Chance, B. (1997). Noninvasive optical spectroscopy and imaging of human brain function. Trends in Neuroscience, 20, 435–442.
Journal Article
Villringer, A., & Einhaeupl, K. M. (1997). Dural sinus and cerebral venous thrombosis. New Horizont, 5, 332–341.
Journal Article
Villringer, K., Minoshima, S., Hock, C., Obrig, H., Ziegler, S., Dirnagl, U., … Villringer, A. (1997). Assessment of local brain activation: A simultaneous PET and near-infrared spectroscopy study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 413, 149–153.
Journal Article
von Pannwitz, W., Einhaeupl, K. M., & Villringer, A. (1997). Bildgebende Diagnostik der akuten zerebralen Ischämie: Derzeitiger Stand und Perspektiven. Psychologie, 23, 424–430.
Journal Article
Wolf, T., Lindauer, U., Reuter, U., Back, T., Villringer, A., Einhaeupl, K., & Dirnagl, U. (1997). Noninvasive near infrared spectroscopy monitoring of regional cerebral blood oxygenation changes during peri-infarct depolarizations in focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 17, 950–954.
Journal Article
Wolf, T., Lindauer, U., Villringer, A., & Dirnagl, U. (1997). Excessive oxygen or glucose supply does not alter the blood flow response to somatosensory stimulation or spreading depression in rats. Brain Research, 761, 290–299.
Journal Article
Lindauer, U., Dreier, J., Angstwurm, K., Villringer, A., Einhaeupl, K. M., & Dirnagl, U. (1996). Role of nitric oxide synthase inhibition in leukocyte-endothelium interaction in the rat pial microvasculature. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 16, 1143–1152.
Journal Article
Wenzel, R., Obrig, H., Ruben, J., Villringer, K., Dirnagl, U., & Villringer, A. (1996). Cerebral blood oxygenation changes induced by visual stimulation in humans. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 1, 399–404.
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