Publications of Annette Horstmann
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Journal Article (100)
Journal Article
, , , , , , … (2017). Effects of psychological eating behaviour domains on the association between socio-economic status and BMI. Public Health Nutrition, 20, 2706–2712.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., Neumann, J., Villringer, A., & Horstmann, A. (2017). Failing to learn from negative prediction errors: Obesity is associated with alterations in a fundamental neural learning mechanism. Cortex, 95, 222–237.
Journal Article
Horstmann, A. (2017). It wasn't me; it was my brain: Obesity-associated characteristics of brain circuits governing decision-making. Physiology & Behavior, 176, 125–133.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., , , Neumann, J., Deserno, L., Villringer, A., … Horstmann, A. (2017). The role of dopamine in positive and negative prediction error utilization during incidental learning: Insights from Positron Emission Tomography, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Cortex, 90, 149–162.
Journal Article
Schrimpf, A., Kube, J., Neumann, J., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & Gaebler, M. (2017). Parasympathetic cardio-regulation during social interactions in individuals with obesity: The influence of negative body image. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 330–347.
Journal Article
Mehl, N., , , Daum, M. M., , & Horstmann, A. (2017). Cause or consequence?: Investigating attention bias and self-regulation skills in children at risk for obesity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 113–127.
Journal Article
Sjoerds, Z., Dietrich, A., Deserno, L., , Villringer, A., , … Horstmann, A. (2016). Slips of action and sequential decisions: A cross-validation study of tasks assessing habitual and goal-directed action control. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00234
Journal Article
Mühlberg, C., Mathar, D., Villringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Stopping at the sight of food: How gender and obesity impact on response inhibition. Appetite, 107, 663–676.
Journal Article
Dietrich, A., , & Horstmann, A. (2016). General habit propensity relates to the sensation seeking subdomain of impulsivity but not obesity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00213
Journal Article
García-García, I., Kube, J., Gaebler, M., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Neural processing of negative emotional stimuli and the influence of age, sex and and task-related characteristics. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 773–793.
Journal Article
Schlögl, H., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & (2016). Functional neuroimaging in obesity and the potential for development of novel treatments. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 4, 695–705.
Journal Article
Schlögl, H., Mueller, K., Horstmann, A., , , Villringer, A., … (2016). Leptin substitution in patients with lipodystrophy: Neural correlates for long-term success in the normalization of eating behavior. Diabetes, 65, 2179–2186.
Journal Article
Grellmann, C., Neumann, J., Bitzer, S., , , , … Horstmann, A. (2016). Random projection for fast and efficient multivariate correlation analysis of high-dimensional data: A new approach. Frontiers in Genetics, 7. doi:10.3389/fgene.2016.00102
Journal Article
Dietrich, A., Hollmann, M., Mathar, D., Villringer, A., & Horstmann, A. (2016). Brain regulation of food craving: Relationships with weight status and eating behavior. International Journal of Obesity, 40, 982–989.
Journal Article
Kube, J., Schrimpf, A., García-García, I., Villringer, A., Neumann, J., & Horstmann, A. (2016). Differential heart rate responses to social and monetary reinforcement in women with obesity. Psychophysiology, 53, 868–879.
Journal Article
Kharabian, S., Arélin, K., Horstmann, A., Lampe, L., Kipping, J., , … Witte, V. (2016). Higher body mass index in older adults is associated with lower gray matter volume: Implications for memory performance. Neurobiology of Aging, 40, 1–10.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., Horstmann, A., Pleger, B., Villringer, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Is it worth the effort?: Novel insights into obesity-associated alterations in cost-benefit decision-making. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00360
Journal Article
Horstmann, A. (2016). Zu viel ist nicht genug. Gehirn und Geist, 2016, 20–28.
Journal Article
Simmank, J., , , & Horstmann, A. (2015). Incidental rewarding cues influence economic decisions in people with obesity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00278
Journal Article
Deserno, L., , Reiter, A., Horstmann, A., Neumann, J., Villringer, A., … Schlagenhauf, F. (2015). Lateral prefrontal model-based signatures are reduced in healthy individuals with high trait impulsivity. Translational Psychiatry, 5. doi:10.1038/tp.2015.139