Publications of Annette Horstmann

Journal Article (100)

Journal Article
Löffler, A., Luck, T., Then, F. S., Luck-Sikorski, C., Pabst, A., Kovacs, P., … Riedel-Heller, S. G. (2017). Effects of psychological eating behaviour domains on the association between socio-economic status and BMI. Public Health Nutrition, 20, 2706–2712.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., Neumann, J., Villringer, A., & Horstmann, A. (2017). Failing to learn from negative prediction errors: Obesity is associated with alterations in a fundamental neural learning mechanism. Cortex, 95, 222–237.
Journal Article
Horstmann, A. (2017). It wasn't me; it was my brain: Obesity-associated characteristics of brain circuits governing decision-making. Physiology & Behavior, 176, 125–133.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., Wilkinson, L., Holl, A., Neumann, J., Deserno, L., Villringer, A., … Horstmann, A. (2017). The role of dopamine in positive and negative prediction error utilization during incidental learning: Insights from Positron Emission Tomography, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Cortex, 90, 149–162.
Journal Article
Schrimpf, A., Kube, J., Neumann, J., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & Gaebler, M. (2017). Parasympathetic cardio-regulation during social interactions in individuals with obesity: The influence of negative body image. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 330–347.
Journal Article
Mehl, N., Bergmann, S., Klein, A. M., Daum, M. M., von Klitzing, K., & Horstmann, A. (2017). Cause or consequence?: Investigating attention bias and self-regulation skills in children at risk for obesity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 113–127.
Journal Article
Sjoerds, Z., Dietrich, A., Deserno, L., De Wit, S., Villringer, A., Heinze, H.-J., … Horstmann, A. (2016). Slips of action and sequential decisions: A cross-validation study of tasks assessing habitual and goal-directed action control. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00234
Journal Article
Mühlberg, C., Mathar, D., Villringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Stopping at the sight of food: How gender and obesity impact on response inhibition. Appetite, 107, 663–676.
Journal Article
Dietrich, A., de Wit, S., & Horstmann, A. (2016). General habit propensity relates to the sensation seeking subdomain of impulsivity but not obesity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00213
Journal Article
García-García, I., Kube, J., Gaebler, M., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Neural processing of negative emotional stimuli and the influence of age, sex and and task-related characteristics. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 773–793.
Journal Article
Schlögl, H., Horstmann, A., Villringer, A., & Stumvoll, M. (2016). Functional neuroimaging in obesity and the potential for development of novel treatments. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 4, 695–705.
Journal Article
Schlögl, H., Mueller, K., Horstmann, A., Miehle, K., Püschel, J., Villringer, A., … Faßhauer, M. (2016). Leptin substitution in patients with lipodystrophy: Neural correlates for long-term success in the normalization of eating behavior. Diabetes, 65, 2179–2186.
Journal Article
Grellmann, C., Neumann, J., Bitzer, S., Kovacs, P., Tönjes, A., Westlye, L. T., … Horstmann, A. (2016). Random projection for fast and efficient multivariate correlation analysis of high-dimensional data: A new approach. Frontiers in Genetics, 7. doi:10.3389/fgene.2016.00102
Journal Article
Dietrich, A., Hollmann, M., Mathar, D., Villringer, A., & Horstmann, A. (2016). Brain regulation of food craving: Relationships with weight status and eating behavior. International Journal of Obesity, 40, 982–989.
Journal Article
Kube, J., Schrimpf, A., García-García, I., Villringer, A., Neumann, J., & Horstmann, A. (2016). Differential heart rate responses to social and monetary reinforcement in women with obesity. Psychophysiology, 53, 868–879.
Journal Article
Kharabian, S., Arélin, K., Horstmann, A., Lampe, L., Kipping, J., Luck, T., … Witte, V. (2016). Higher body mass index in older adults is associated with lower gray matter volume: Implications for memory performance. Neurobiology of Aging, 40, 1–10.
Journal Article
Mathar, D., Horstmann, A., Pleger, B., Villringer, A., & Neumann, J. (2016). Is it worth the effort?: Novel insights into obesity-associated alterations in cost-benefit decision-making. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00360
Journal Article
Horstmann, A. (2016). Zu viel ist nicht genug. Gehirn und Geist, 2016, 20–28.
Journal Article
Simmank, J., Murawski, C., Bode, S., & Horstmann, A. (2015). Incidental rewarding cues influence economic decisions in people with obesity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00278
Journal Article
Deserno, L., Wilbertz, T., Reiter, A., Horstmann, A., Neumann, J., Villringer, A., … Schlagenhauf, F. (2015). Lateral prefrontal model-based signatures are reduced in healthy individuals with high trait impulsivity. Translational Psychiatry, 5. doi:10.1038/tp.2015.139
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