IMPRS NeuroCom Course "Basic Electroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG)"
IMPRS Coordination
- Start: Jun 6, 2023 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Jun 29, 2023 12:15 PM
- Speaker: Prof. Dr Thomas R. Knoesche and Dr Burkhard Maess
- Location: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- Room: Computer Training Room, A412
- Host: IMPRS Coordination
- Contact:
Lecturer: Prof. Dr Thomas Knoesche & Dr Burkhard Maess
Course syllabus: Students will learn the basics of EEG & MEG including signal generationand measurement. They will be introduced into time-series analysis, time-frequency analysis, source localization and spatio-temporal modeling, and fusion with oder modalities (e.g., local field potentials, DTI, fMRI). Based on this overview of available experimental techniques, their pros and cons as well as specific prerequisites can be assessed and various kinds of data analysis methods can be performed. The latter will be trained in practical sessions.
Course credits and conditions: 2 ECTS; At least 80% course participation and successfully presenting and discussing a paper relevant to the content of the lecture series in a separate half-day session after the lecture series.
Date | Time | Topic |
06 June 2023 |
09.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
MEEG: Signal generation (Th) MEEG: Instrumentation Break Signal processing: Temporal Filtering, Artifact treatment, SSP, event related design (Th) |
08 June 2023 |
09.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
Goal artifact free trial and averages (Pr) Break Signal Decomposition - Extracting functional components (constraints against noise) - based on statistics: ICA, DSSP (Th) |
13 June 2023 |
9.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
Localization of time-averaged data (minimum norm) (Pr) Break Signal Decomposition: Extraction of functional components and separation from noise - based on source reconstruction (Th) |
20 June 2023 |
9.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
Beamformer of time-frequency data (LCMV) (Pr) Break Network Analysis (I) (follow up as additional constraint for decomposition): - connectivity analysis - dynamic modeling - neural mass model (Th) |
22 June 2023 |
9.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
Network Analysis (II) (continued) (Th) Break Beamformer of time-frequency data (DICS) (Pr) |
29 June 2023 |
9.00-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.45-12.15 |
Beamformer of time-frequency data (continued) (Pr) Break General discussion - compare EEG-MEG vs. other methods - Compare Sensor Space vs. Brain Signals (Th) |