Main Focus

  • Neural variability in sensory information processing
  • Organization of brain states and response dynamics
  • Role of neuronal oscillations in perception and cognition
  • Methods: EEG, TMS, neurofeedback, eye tracking, statistical modelling

Curriculum Vitae

Postdoc (since 2023)
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (Germany)

Dept. of Neurology | Research group Neural Interactions and Dynamics

PhD [Dr. rer. nat.] (2023)
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (Germany)

Dept. of Neurology | Research group Neural Interactions and Dynamics | IMPRS NeuroCom

PhD thesis: “On the organization of neural response variability: Probing somatosensory excitability dynamics with oscillatory brain states and stimulus-evoked potentials”
(Supervisors: Dr. V. Nikulin, Prof. Dr. A. Villringer & Prof. Dr. M. Müller)

M.Sc. Psychology (2017)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany) & University of Sussex (UK)

Master´s thesis: “EEG Correlates of Eye Contact in an Active Vision Paradigm”
(Supervisors: Prof. Dr. W. Sommer & Dr. O. Dimigen)

B.Sc. Psychology with minor subject biology (2014)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Bachelor´s thesis: “Changes in Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Schizophrenic Patients”
(Supervisors: Dr. J. Beucke & Prof. Dr. N. Kathmann)
