Workshop with the Scouting Initiative of the Max-Planck-Foundation

IMPRS Coordination

  • Date: Feb 2, 2023
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Mark Möbius
  • Location: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
  • Room: Wilhelm Wundt Room (A400)
  • Host: IMPRS Coordination

Identify the ideal application scenario for your technology or scientific solution!

Imagine you have a great new scientific discovery and a first idea how to develop it into a product or service. Your biggest problem will not be the technical or scientific development - it will be to understand for which application your idea promises the greatest benefit. All activities of your start-up will then be directed towards the corresponding target application. The Scouting Initiative of the Max-Planck-Foundation has developed the following guiding questions to help you find your first application scenario:

•          What is the core benefit of your idea?

•          In which application area is this core benefit particularly effective?

•          Is this new benefit quantifiable (cheaper, faster, better, easier, ...)?

•          Are the challenges big enough, therefore the problem has a high priority among users?

•          Do you have access to people in this field of application?

•          How much do you estimate the use of resources to develop a finished product/service for this very application area?

In our workshop we navigate through these questions and in the end find an application area that seems suitable to be tackled first by your company. There are many ideas and possible application areas. Our experience is that focusing on one or two application scenarios is a strong marker for the success of a young company.

The speaker, Mark Möbius, is team lead of the Scouting Initiative of the Max-Planck-Foundation and supports start-ups from the idea generation to the foundation and beyond.